Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Havana Kavana

What a wonderful phrase,
Havana Kavana, ain't no passing craze...
It means I regret everything
For the rest of my days...

So, it seems Pill and I have been, for the latter part on our behalf gaming, and generally watching Disney films. Sunday night, coming back in the rain most of us broke out into spontaneous song, the Circle of Life, and once we, Pill, DarkHorse, and I had retired for the evening, and changed into PJs, Dressing Gowns, and Slippers, Pill requested that we watch The Lion King, and what a good suggestion that was...

Jeremy Irons singing gives us chills, and as we had already clarified the the house was indeed empty, we sang along to every song. But is his song only second to Hell Fire, in Hunchback of Notre Dame? I wouldn't say they're the best Disney songs, because I do love a catchy and upbeat tune, although they are the best bad guy ones. I think Be Prepared is better, what do you think?

Anywho, last night we moved on to Hercules, and started talking about puns, Greek Mythology, Jewish race wars, and stuff like that. You know the us'ge (usual). I love Hercules, and Mulan, and Lilo and Stitch. And they've all got great songs, but I think we all know what my favourite Disney film is, so I'll leave it at that...

Fireworks tonight, and they're going to be epic. We're actually travelling out of our way for them so I've decided that they're going to be epic. Plus Hot Dogs, Soup, and V for Vendetta for afters if there's time. Is Bonfire Night one of those evenings with traditions, or am I just making up the whole Hot Dog and Soup thing?

See you shortly after this long intermission, Carpe diem...

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