Sunday 28 October 2012

Confusion Is A Plague...


Today I got to spend five hours in a car with my family. So after the singalongs, reading, writing, and wordsearches, I got back to the worrying...

I should mention that we were visiting family and the grave of my grandma, grandpa, and uncle. It's been two years since grandpa died. Where has the time gone?

But I got to worrying and then to scratching. I've discovered I have eczema again, a lovely dry, itchy, and irritable skin condition I was plagued with as a child. Mum tells me she was always taking me to the doctors for it. They thought it was stress related...

Now I'm older, I can understand that. Stress, well, I never thought this feeling was stress but...

And then, once home, she text me out of the can imagine my mind blew a fuse. I think we're going to Swansea tomorrow for some shopping. Should I have said no, I'm busy and spent yet another day on the xbox?

Probably not. I'll let you know how it goes.

Carpe diem, until next time bloggers...

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