Monday, 29 August 2011
Congratul-day To You...
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Traveling Laziness...
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Dreamland Adventures...
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
The Start Of A New Life...

Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Note To Self...
Monday, 15 August 2011
The Results...
Wizard Love...
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Something New...
“His face. That is all I remember. The creamy eyes to the deep lustful lips. He had no hair, but dark skin. He wore a collar of blue feathers, and...and... I do not remember much else I’m afraid to say. He was with them. He was one of them.”
“But you don’t remember?”
“I remember enough. Or what was left to me to remember. He took them, he took my memories. I have had no childhood, no youthful experiences, no first love, or murder, or betrayal, or happiness. It is strange to think that I have no happiness in my life. I might have done once might you think? Though all I remember is the here and now. So inspector, ask what you will.”
“But you’re here. How can’t you remember God-damn-it?! HOW?”
“I do not know how. I do not know who, where, or when if you are going to ask those questions as well in your enquiry. I simply do not remember.”
“Bullshit. Alright then, riddle-me-this smart ass. Why?”
“Yeah, you said you didn’t know how, who, where, or when, so why?”
“I see your reasoning. I do know why.”
“Well what, inspector?
“Well tell me Motherfucker!”
“I understand. You do not need to become aggressive inspector. The reason why they needed to do this to me is because they needed this to be done to me. Otherwise you would be asking me all these questions and I would be lying to you.”
“You little shit. You think this is funny do you?!”
“It would have been an amusing outcome would you not say inspector?”
“Who says you’re not lying to me now?”
“Careful inspector, one might think you might lose your temper. I don’t think it would be good for either of us. I would be battered or bruised or dead for one, and you. Well you would be discredited. Disgraced, humiliated.”
“Er, Inspector Sir? ...Sir? ...John?”
“Yes what is it?”
“The Super’s down the corridor and you’ve got the suspect by the neck. Do you want him to walk free?”
“No, I want him to confess!”
“Well as we both know inspector, my memory has been erased, and we both know that I cannot answer any of your questions, and the more I think about it I am becoming less inclined to do so anyway. You have been showing me your true colours after all.”
“John, we need to go. It’s not our case. John quickly for God’s sake.”
“They knew you wouldn’t talk, didn’t they?”
“Would if I could.”
“John, let’s go!”
Carpe diem, until next time bloggers...