Wednesday, 28 August 2013

T-Minus 1 Day More!...

By this time tomorrow, we will either be almost there, or actually there. And I don't know if I want to do a day's work knowing that...

But where? I hear you ask dear read. Well, to Alton-freaking-Towers of course! It's Tag's birthday, and Red and I have to wake him up like they do in those Disney land commercials:

Okay, I'm being silly now but it's going to be awesomely cool. When we doing presents? I wrapped mine last night. I showed Red the damage, she laughed. Roadtrip, and music, and so many quote, references, vomit, food, more vomit, fast rides, excitement, good weather (possibly), water rides first (I'm Soaked!), then second roadtrip where we all fall asleep like they do at the end of movies (except the driver, obvs)...

Although, energy drinks, coffee, and amphetamines will be shooting through our veins so perhaps not...orgy?

We're going to do Alton Towers right, apparently we've got to go on Air, Hex, and the new one The Smiler (16 consecutive loops or something, first in the world). I'm not a rollercoaster person, and neither are a few of the other people going. It's going to be odd. 

Pedalows anyone?

I can imagine Pill and Ducky making their way through all the Food and Drinking places in the park. HB and DarkHorse might go check out the House and Grounds, Cherry will sit anywhere with a good book and look after the bags like a good mum, Red will go on all the Tea Cups and Pedalows with me, possibly a few carny stands too, and I will go on all the big rides with Tag (alphamale style)...

That paragraph isn't how things'll go, I swear. 

I'm starting to be concerned that Comic-Con won't be all that, but I'm looking forward to seeing us all in costume and having photos. Hot'n'Sexy Fotos just one pic 99p. O-la-la...

Where was that going?!

In other news, work are sending me to Cambridge at the end of September to learn about Helicopters. I didn't know I needed to know more, but there you go. I'm getting nervous again, how the fuck do I get to Cambridge?!

But I'm sure I'll worry more about that when I know more about that. 

So, flavoured water, money for pizza, crisps and no dips for car journey (multi-pack), probably a sleeping bag required. If Christmas happens these'll be the sleeping arrangements too I imagine...

I want to continue writing, but I don't know what to say. I've been writing song lyrics recently, nothing I'm going to share with you - mainly because they're crap - and my real-world fiction, I had hoped to finish it before tomorrow, but that's not going to happen is it? So, Friday perhaps...

Either way, I'll post it up here, and then all we've got to wait for is Tag's RomCom...

Have a good couple of days, I know we will...

Carpe diem...

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

You're A Pansy...

The other day I twatted something I'm not ashamed to twat, but yesterday I sort of broke-down, which was something I was planning on not doing. The twat read:
Alone for the next four nights, come on. No breakdowns this time!

And I only managed two nights. God damn it I'm rubbish (I'm sure it'd be different if Pill were here though). My main thought process occurred during daily commitments and then they built up one on top of the other until Point 1. didn't equal Point 2. it equaled Point 48. and then the whole tower came tumbling down and shit had to happen or else. 

I even learned about the etiquette of pouring boiling water onto tea or coffee, and even that wasn't a distraction enough for me to send out the WhatsApp: 'Drinks?' request. 

Gladly, they all obliged and we hungout in the pub as per usu (is it with an 'e'? It's pronounced like 'huge' but without the 'h'), and talked about the weekend, the future, Frank Turner in concert (I don't even think I care about the prices), Christmas, and ultimately had fun. Much more fun than time spent at mine on Friday. We also learned a lot more about each other's past, Tag's inappropriate questions, Cherry and I swapped Grandparent situations, I got Cherry to slap me a few times, and Red told us sizes, whens, and who's (you hear that guys, we know. For shame)...

Tag told the barmaid that he'd see her Stormtroopers (euphemism intended) and she got very concerned. I agreed, as she had shown us her Stormtooper tattoos on either shoulder on a previous occasion at the establishment. She didn't seem to appreciate the comment, and we did have a different barmaid for the rest of the night (I wonder if that had anything to do with it). 

Either way, I'm very glad drinks happened. I couldn't actually remember when I had last had a drink - but it would have been for a workmate's birthday last weekend or so ago. It looks like I've managed to cut down on the booze, and I got a little drunk after only two. Not very drunk, just enough to make me talk better and become unable to stand a lot. Which made cooking my Stir-fry, when I got in, fun. There's still plenty for lunch and dinner, and look I'm all better.

I know I shouldn't do what I did. And I know I don't actually have anything in the world to worry about, actually that last bit's a little bit of a lie. Jobs, Money, Bills, they're all things to worry about, the state of the damp, have we left it too long to do anything about it, do I care enough, blah blah blah, and they're just a snippet of the worries that occur daily in my head. But like I was saying, I know I shouldn't worry, and I know I've gone weeks without seeing anyone, but hey - I'm glad you guys are there for me. 

Now I feel like I should name all the women I've fancied in the past just to keep with the trends, but I feel like my list would be wonderfully insignificant and boring, so I might not do that. Who knows...

Today is a brighter day, and I'm not going to have any problems. Stir-fry for dinner...

Carpe diem...

Monday, 26 August 2013

I'd Be Yours...

I really don't have much time this morning, they've moved my shift back an hour on account of it being a Bank Holiday today...

I just wanted to tell you that it's very important to start the day off right. We've all got our routines, a coffee, some toast, cereal, perhaps a yoghurt and some fruit, but I find it's the music that makes a morning, as with most things (Roadtrips included). And yesterday, as the sun dawned and peaked through the clouds I was on my way to work, I turned the shady corner of Green Street and saw brilliant sunshine over the Taff and on into the Valleys (Second Heatwave is coming they say) and this song came on:

Carpe diem...

P.S. Finished my real-world fiction draft#1 last night.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

What To Talk About...

I sat here for a while (a wh-aisle) and wondered what I was going to write for you guys today. I could, obviously go into how my day was yesterday, but apart from daily commitments, leftovers, and What To Expect When You're Expecting, nothing much happened to me. 

FYI: What To Expect When You're Expecting isn't really that good, despite the all star cast. I suppose I went into it thinking it was a RomCom (which Netflix wanted me to believe) but soon discovered it was a RomWidABitOrfCom...

I'm not even sure what I ate last night. I know it was Indian, but I'm not sure what sort of curry it was or anything (I'm not an Indian Cuisine connoisseur). I boiled some rice to go with it, and ate it nonetheless though. Ah, to throw myself blindly into a foodie adventure, unknown tastes and smells, all accumulating in the forefront of my taste buds.

I've not written much, if at all, this week. And I doubt the real-world fiction gift wrapped itself with a nice ribbon on top while I was away. I know the police are going to get involved and there's going to be some minor to major peril involving either a knife or a gun, but I don't really want to introduce it. Though, if I don't the story won't get that epic bit you get at the end of awesome songs (you know the one that I mean).

Speaking of songs, Red (okay, I talk about you a bit), twatted another beauty last night (Playlist?) - and it also reminded me of a Nanalew video:

So yeah, that happened. I don't think I've woken up before a wished that it was Monday before - an odd one I know, but let me reason with you - if it was Monday, it would be A. another short day for me due to a bank holiday, and B. one day closer to 4-Day Weekend of Awesome. I think its safe to say I'm getting a tad excited, sort of like going on holiday with all your mates at once.

I admit we haven't done the roadtrips and the travelling that I had first envisaged for the summer, but it's been nice. We've hungout, sometimes in the open air, eaten too much pizza, frolicked and played, and most of the time had work. Next summer perhaps we should all just book a week off for roadtripping and things - perhaps around the solstice for the Stonehenge Sunrise (perhaps I'll get a car, and a camera, and things like that). I might have moved by then too. This is all after our holiday in Spring next year of course. I don't mind where, as long as its abroad; exploring, partying, living a little...

A lot can happen in a year, but I remain positive in the understanding that we all have to know each other until The Returned returns...

Carpe diem...

Saturday, 24 August 2013

I'm Soaked!...

Well it was my turn to host, and BOOM! nothing much happened with it. I really haven't found out what my flat is good for, except for Pill and I to be living in. Either way, it's not watching movies, rainy days in, or video games with friends...

The next place I move in to will accommodate all those things plus the ones we have now and more...

Anyway, I waited for the Gas Man too long and finally text him at 10:30, to see at which point of the morning he'd arrive. Turns out he was running a bit late so it would be 12pm. I dashed out of the house and shopped, and got a haircut (thank fuck for that - as nice as big hair can look - mine was just turning into something I'm never fond of)...

I returned home in time for the Gas Man and then for Tag, Cherry, and Red, for we had decided that something had to happen due to us all being off. I think we should have tried the museum. But nothing solid was planned and we forced ourselves into it. We started watching Video Game Trailers and then we moved on to YouTube Videos and watched the entirety of Stropey plays Slender the Arrival. Tag then attempted to play both Slender and Slender the Arrival (downloads y'all), and then we went for a walk...

It was a bit dry, I thought the rain had passed and I didn't bother taking a jacket - the outcome was both wonderful, fun, and dampening. Getting caught in the rain, seeing Slendermen everywhere, all the signs are warnings, and then hiding under a tree for cover before talking about getting soaked and touching each other.

Our time at the park was fun, I should have brought Simba with me. He's not seen outside in months. When we got in Tag set about going through movies we had to watch (democratically) and waited for someone to say yay or nay to any or all of them. While he did that, I cooked the pizza and chicken wings I purchased earlier. They weren't good either. God damn-it flat! And we watched Evolution before Red exclaimed that she was going home. 

Hopefully Sunday will be better due to planning and expectations, and then Wednesday/Thursday after that...

I cleaned and ironed for the rest of the evening, allowing time for another movie from my childhood - Hoodwinked - and then I went to bed. My brother thinks I should have gone for Mask of Zorro. Once in bed, I heard the door open and I ran to confront the axe murderer lurking behind my door only to find a Pill, wet, cold, and returned home after his week, before disappearing off to the west again in the morning. We chatted a bit, and I returned to bed.

I am now quite tired, despite the long sleep, and I've got five days of commitments ahead of me. Bring it on!

What are we watching Sunday? This week I'm thinking wine - unless it's warm obvs...

Carpe diem...

P.S. Lad's Day: Pain and Gain, Doomsday Arcade, Fast and Furious, Expendables?

Friday, 23 August 2013

Pillow Fight?...

The other night we went to see Kickass 2. Good shout Red, good shout. I enjoyed the film very muchly, unlike Tag who said it wasn't no Kickass 1...

Oh well. I'm waiting for the Gas Man, so I'll tell you everything of my week so far, since you haven't heard from me since Wednesday. After the film we Chicken House'd it up. (BBQ Wrap all the way yo!) And mingled and bantered until returning to Gloria for our sleeping belongings. Red got stuck in my Sleeping Bag Bag, and hilarity ensued. Unlike our norm of parting ways on a Wednesday we made camp in Red's flat, and watched YouTube, chatted, and midair humped until the early hours. It was nice. I could have stayed awake much longer though. Her flat be warm. I no need a sleeping bag next time I think. 

I have officially been naked in everyone's kitchens now (Achievement Unlocked: Footprints in the Butter)...

And the next day, after laughing a bit more at Red's fridge, its a lovely fridge, there's just nothing in it, we went for breakfast in town. Now I am all over that. Pill and I used to go to breakfast in town back in Carms all the time. Italigo do a Full English with Free Refills for £4.99. My boss went there the other day and complemented them to me. It's not just me. Harvester do all-you-can-eat breakfast don't they?

Anyway, we went to Spoons (The Gatekeeper - are you the Keymaster?) and ate our fill. I had far too much breakfast. A large one is two of everything. And that's too much - look at me being all grown up and thinner. Red thinks she can out eat me, and I'm worried in my current state that she actually might be able to...

Oh well, neither of us will find out until we have money to go out and test the foodie places or the takeaways again. It's probably best for our waistlines anyway, even though we're both occasionally wearing what eleven-year-old us' wore (weird).

Either way, I had to go do some daily commitments, and I ran into Red on the way home too, and we discussed our days (2 new iPhones you say?), and upon returning home I cleaned, washed, and exercised before sitting down to watch Transformers: Dark of the Moon. That is a long film for the plot. Good Lord! If you sped up all the slow-mo bits I'm sure it would go from 2.5 hours to 1.25. But Optimus is always my favourite part of transformers (he's got an arm off!) - he's like the Vin Diesel of the Autobots. I almost napped again during the movie, but fought off the urge.

And today, I'm still waiting for a Gas Man, and due to being unable to get a haircut yesterday, I'm going to try today instead/as well (short back and sides anyone? I've never done it before I don't think). And after that, it gets even better! The others are coming to hangout at mine. Write-a-thon perhaps, though I'm not sure what Red will think of it. Or, if its dry, which is might be, Frisbee down the park? Simba's looking at me longingly. And I don't think that it's that we see too much of each other, I think its that we're running out of things to do. We need to find something new every now and then. Perhaps an adventure by ourselves sometime (and Alton Towers doesn't count)...

Who knows. Just one week to go before an EPIC weekend. I'm getting tingles...

Carpe diem...

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

You Better Believe It...

I'm not sure what I was going to write about today, but I knew it was something. Oh well, let's see where this goes...

During the commitments yesterday one of the girls said: 'Have you lost weight?' The answer being 'Yes, I have, but not since the last time you saw me.' 'Oh, you look good.' It made me smile a bit. Feeling sort of healthy, apart from this morning. It's the sort of midweek slog feel. I fear I'll get that a lot next week when I'm working for five days to have a four day weekend. And the four day weekend's gonna be so freakin' awesome! 

But more about that next week...

Red decided on the weekend that we're going to see Kickass 2 tonight, and I'm all over that. I loved Kickass, and now there's a second one, who knew?! (jk) But I was watching Shanghai Knights last night and I started to recognise the kid in it who plays Charlie Chaplin...

My you've grown... (#yeahyoubetterbelieveit)

He's a bit of a cray cray in actual life though, soo...anyway, moving on. Red's invited us down to the Bay this evening, and then for a spontaneous-long-time-in-the-making-and-yet-we-knew-it-was-going-to-happen-today sleepover of sorts. It should be fun. Chicken House or Subway tonight then? 

Also, as three out of the four of us have Friday off, shall we do something or do we see enough of each other every week already? Cherry, did you want to come to Lads Day? (Baggy Jeans and Checked Shirts). I think Tag and I's haircut date might be out of the window as the train ticket to Ponty plus the haircut would cost more than just getting haircut in the city.

I just had a freak out wondering where my comic-con ticket was. Phew. Found it. (Secret Pocket style).

And just to leave you with something I'm excited about next year. Fable: Legends. I love Fable, it has to be my Zelda, I've been playing that game for years. And I've played them all more than once. And I love the characters, spirit, and overall feel of the world. I think I based my Panto on it. Do you remember that? The Panto. Man that was years ago...

Carpe diem...

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

My Actual Day Off

Yesterday I had a day off, but before that, it was Date Night...

I shopped during the day for it, buying chips, dips, and chocs, but when it came to home time I was wandering down the shopping centre and I realised I was missing something. I swore to myself, got smiled at by a random, possibly for my colour clashing clothing that Red pointed out later on, and shopped in Tesco again, where I bought exactly the same chips, dips, and chocs...

After that stupidity, Tag and I rocked out to the Digimon Theme in his kitchen while I washed up and he cooked all the things. I like our new Sunday routine. Cooking, well sort of, and then sitting down and enjoying the fruits of our labour. We watched many many things, White Girl in Black School 2, Charlie Sheen: Before the Drugs, and Judge Judy with a Plot (Objection! Sustained). I admit I did fall asleep for 10 minutes or so during Judge Judy, but man be tired, and then I was wide awake for a while. Tag and Cherry went to bed at about 12:30 maybe 1am, and Red and I stayed up talking, I made some comedic noises with the blow up bed, we laughed and frolicked, until it was 2:30 and I opened the window (plastic don't breath yo!).

Did you know I'm 80% Dark? Not in a bad way, but in a sort of mysterious way. Sort of like Dark Chocolate. 

Either way, morning came and the three adventurers (early risers) wandered into town and broke from the MaccyD's way to Western. Can you believe you can order a pint at 7am nowadays? Hot Damn... We breakfasted, caught up on the news, which as I've stopped watching TV altogether is something I actually quite miss, and then walked Tag to his. Then I accompanied Red to a few shops before saying goodbye, and then I went to Tesco to buy Cereal, Toilet Paper, and Milk. I came out with Toilet Paper and Milk, with the Cashier and Security Guard silently judging me, and wondering whether I knew that Papier-mache was with glue and not milk...

Oh well, I ventured home, exercised, wrote, and restrained myself from watching Avatar Aang again. Instead I watched Legend of the Seeker (I switched the first episode off twice - who knew Fantasy didn't work with bad effects and an American accent?), all the Doctor Who Finale's since Ten-Inch, Super 8 (pretty cool), and Shanghai Noon (CLASSIC!)...

I have no idea where my real-world fiction is going, but it's certainly going to take me more than two drafts I reckon (which is something I don't do very often, you should be honoured).

Have you guys seen this? You probably have, you've got TVs...

But anyway, roll on Wednesday, Kick-Ass 2 and a Red Flat Hangout, that'll be different (in a nice way, obvs)...

Laterz, Carpe diem...

Sunday, 18 August 2013

My Restful Day Off...

Yesterday was certainly a day of two halves, but before I tell you I must say I hope I slept with my bedroom door open last night, because if I closed it like I usually do, I woke up to it open. Which either means I was followed home, I was visited by a thief who didn't nick anything, or other... (aliens!)

Please let it be my drunken state of leaving the door open...

Anyway, yesterday was meant to be my restful day off, preparing me for the week ahead and all that jazz. Alas (earwax), my Mother thought I sounded upset by something after I phoned her on Friday to find out how my sister did in her Disney interview. Which, let's face it, it was the very last day of my very bad week. I wasn't going to sound happy about anything I don't think. My enthusiasm levels were somewhat drained, but to go so far as concern...

They arrived early in the morning, Pill and DarkHorse had disappeared on their weekend to Carms without me noticing, I must have been engrossed in my writing (which is something I didn't know I did, and now you do), and we went out shopping about the town, I bought Tag's gifts in _______ (*insert relevant shop here*) and traveled all over town, before grabbing a pasty and heading back to mine as the rain began. In M&S Ben told me Mum thought I was depressed which was the only reason they were there, and not to deliver me some shoes (that'll be £50 please). And you can think how that conversation went...
'She thinks you're depressed.'
'That's why we're here.'
'Stupid woman.'
'I know.'
But it was good to joke with them, and I got to break the news to Mum (again) that I wouldn't be coming back for Christmas this year. She said okay, but you're still coming for Christmas Eve and morning with us right? She was mainly childish about it when I told her about the pinkie promise (fine, no presents for you!). I said I would be back at some point for Christmas, but her argument 'But Christmas is for family' fell apart when I told her that they were my family too. She even went so far as to invite you all for Christmas Day, which upset my brother and sister a bit. Either way, their visit was cut short when Nat said something in jest and crossed the line, (hey it runs in the family) 'that's what she does, she loves us by cutting us down.' Mum took offence and nearly left the other two here with me. Luckily they got to the car before she did...

The second part of yesterday (bar writing lots) involved a lot of drink. I dressed up sexy (as I always do - You: '*le sigh* waistcoat?', Me: 'WAISTCOAT MUTHAFUCKA!') and hit the town. In actuality I only managed to go to two places, due to having daily commitments today, but I was out for six hours. And I now know Las Iguanas does real Absinthe (well, almost 70%). Either way I drank lots more than every one else, which was 7 cocktails, two doses of the 64% Rum they use in Revs Cuba, a Pint, and a glass of Red wine, all washed down with a nice Spoons Burger. Dancing was had in Spoons, but I didn't like the DJ very much. The music wasn't anything good, and the dance floor was covered in CHAVs trying to get with the girls, and Hen Dos with Massive Penises (think Blue Whale). The group had a bit of fun with Grindr (there's an app for that), and I parted ways pretty early on into the night, which leaves me with the mystery of the open bedroom door. 

Tonight is Date Night (obvs) and I'm not quite sure what's going to happen, but I know it is happening. I look forward to seeing the gang again in a better mood this time (hopefully, there's a whole day yet). 

Carpe diem...

Saturday, 17 August 2013

The Second Coming...

Yesterday turned out okay in the end. Who knew? Though today I have a limp, a head cold, and a sore wrist (keep your thoughts to yourself)...

It's amazing how the smallest things can affect your mood. Music for example. I've been listening to a lot of Mumford and Sons, and when that banjo kicks in an the epic, emotive, awesome jump starts the song, I tend to smile and thrash my fist with the beat. And until yesterday, my favourite poem was The Second Coming by W.B. Yeats:

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.

The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

Dark, apocalyptic, and wonderful imagery, I hope you'll agree. And then we started talking about poetry during our daily commitments, and Biddy suggested a poem I should read, and it sounded like a very intelligent person wrote it. The Blind Men and The Elephant by John Godfrey Saxe. It's a good read, if you haven't read it only eight stanzas long and it blows apart almost every single religion to date, by saying you're all sort of right but at the same time, you're all incredibly wrong...

I got to speak to Wodge again last night, we chatted about this and that for hours. It's good to know that she's still around, and kickin'. And the gauntlet has been laid down, real-world fiction (lol) will be written soon! Thank you again Wodge!

But now the new dawn is here, I feel like death warmed up, but today is a new day...

Carpe diem...

Friday, 16 August 2013

Push The Button...

One day more, another day another destiny!...

And now comes the final day of my week, before I can press the big fat reset button that resides in Saturday's newspaper, and forget the bollocks that's happened this week, purely because I wasn't in the mood for it. Hopefully that'll do it, and hopefully I'll be able to eat properly again, and sleep, and generally be myself (unless this is myself, in which case - dun, dun  DUN! - too meta?)

Yesterday was the same old same old, and I got to hang out with Pill and his mate Lee for a while after the daily commitments. It was cool, just sitting and talking politics, work, philosophy, and a great deal more with them. I couldn't be bothered to cook again, and I haven't really managed to stomach anything for most of the week. That might be one of the factors for my mood I suppose - but at least I'll be nice and thin by comic-con if this feeling doesn't go away. Always got to look on the positive side of things. 

Though (and I don't mean this) I did just think about writing a joke about how dying would be the next positive thing to happen to me, which when you put it like that it certainly sounds funny...

Anyway, tomorrow I hope to wake up at a reasonable hour and just relax. No daily commitments, no nothing to do, just sit and calm the fuck down Bridget! 

I think I need another adventure soon. Perhaps when the sun comes back in September. I don't know where I'll go, but I think I might need some new scenery or something. Perhaps I won't. I remember following Jimbo in the dark of winter through a bog, and I lost my shoe in sub-zero temperatures, and then we stumbled on a milking plant and almost got chased by dogs and men, as we climbed through barbed wire fences. I also remember falling down a mountain and bouncing off every tree on the way down, but that's another story I'm sure...

As Red has announced and shown her challenged fiction, 6 Poems, I wish to say that I have at least made a start on my real-world fiction. I think it's going to be called "Bute Wall" (a working title) and its obviously set in Cardiff (write what you know). I'm not going to give anything else away, but I think it's going to be a short-ish story about hope and hopelessness (how very deep of me - is it?).

That's what fills my evenings now, Pill goes to bed, and I sit up writing. It's quite pleasant. We don't share the same bed, although that sentence could be read that way. It reminds me of the uni days, except I'm purely using a pen and paper, and an iPod helps too.

But anyway, I think I've babbled on a bit now. See you on the new dawn...

Carpe diem...

P.S. Sorry for being a dick the other night. 

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Chin Up...

My mood has not improved despite quite a restful night sleep. What's wrong with me this week?!

Yesterday, or last night if you will, Tag, Cherry, Red, Pill, and I went to the pub, the new look Western, only slightly brighter than the old look Western. And it's brilliant how alcohol can improve a bad day. That's a bad sentence to say, but damn, it does...

We ate, sang, mid-air humped to Whistle While I Work It, and defused texts all in the name of cool and sexiness. I showed the girls at work WWIWI and they loved it, starting to mid-air hump and sing and everything in the staff room. And a nice time, more or less, was had.

Now, the other day, and he brought it up last night, Pill mentioned something that I thought was quite, not poetic, it's not poetic at all, but it is kind of motivating, and gear grinding at the same time. Just write, was what he essentially said, just write. It doesn't matter what you write, what you have written, what you're feeling or any of that shit. Have deadlines, have off days, and have crap writing. Nothing's perfect, nothing ever will be. It won't work out the way you want it to half the time, but you've got to do it to realise that it won't work. You've just got to go, set out, and write muthafucker. Or else, how can you call yourself a writer? That's how real writers do it. They don't sit down and plan all the time, they just sit down, every day, and write something. They give themselves deadlines every week, and they keep to those deadlines or else what's the point?

Quite right Pill, quite right. As it is in life, so too shall it be in writing. 

I've decided I'm not going to visit the person Tag's colleague was trying to set me up with, and no it's not just because of the name. I did try visiting her yesterday to no avail. No, I'm not going to go visit her a. because it's Tag's colleague trying to set me up and not Tag, b. because she fancied Tag first, and c. because let's be honest, it's the name. You try saying your parent's name in the throws of passion. It doesn't make for a pretty picture.

I know I'm no arsehole, I've tried doing that, and it didn't work out then. I'm me. I can be a dick sometimes, but I'm more than likely going to be labelled as a nice guy, and that image conjures up thoughts of jumpers and ties, in coupley dinner parties, holding a glass of orange juice due to being the designated driver, and glasses for some reason - not sure why. Right now, I just want to be a dinosaur again, like I did when I was five.

All in all, I'm not ready yet. I haven't slimmed down to my fullest, I haven't bulked out to my maxest, and I haven't become my bestest yet. I'm not as bad as I was, very encouraging words indeed. 

Let's roll on Sunday then.

Carpe diem...

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

It Was A Set Up...

This week has somewhat kicked me for six. I just haven't really started off on the right foot, and I'm stumbling along waiting for it to end. I need a holiday, a very long holiday, and I don't expect that I shall return, in fact I mean not too...

But Sunday's Date Night went well. Although, admittedly, that's sort of when this funny business started, though I didn't know it yet. I went to Tag's work with shopping in hand, only to be told that one of his colleagues wanted to talk to me, upon saying 'should I be worried?' Tag replied 'yes.' Nuff said? Either way, I get this feeling like a deflating balloon in my tummy every time someone suggests things like this. It knocks me back, like a nasty surprise.

Either way, it's now Wednesday, and the nasty business that rolls around every six months, in fact it is actually seven months to the day that this was last attempted (Hi Red), has cropped up again. I don't know whether I should be concerned that they only know people in work, or that she shares a name with my mother (people have cringed when I've told them, and then said it'll be fine - Pill disagrees, but then Pill is Pill and displays two points to an argument. A name's a name, you can't choose it), or that Tag himself has been coerced into asking me. 

All I know about her is a picture I've seen, she says I look 'nice', and we share an understanding of Tennis. I feel a sitcom coming on. 

Should I be so skeptical? Probably. Girls call me 'nice' just to be polite. It's code. And it ain't code for 'fit', because let's be honest I'm not gonna get a 'fit', I'm a 'nice' happy' 'jolly' sort of person. And they aren't qualities women look for. It reminds me of something Red told me about how I'm good at making friends, but I can't really remember the conversation either because I was drunk, or I've got a terrible memory for conversations...

Also, this really isn't the week to be doing this sort of thing with me, I'm fed up, tired, and I'm ready to kill the next person who tells me my job must be easy. Three more days to go.

Either way, at lunch I'm probably gonna go say 'Hi', probably with Tag's colleague doing the awks introductions. Woop, and another Woop. 

I've had Whistle While I Work It in my head since Sunday, and I don't think it's going to leave very soon. It's just about the only thing keeping me going this week. Red was kind yesterday saying that I was a good salesman too, both make me smile. It was Snap-It that we played. 

Pill came home yesterday, and we slobbed out, realising too late that we should have cooked something for dinner, instead we had toast (white's the pudding) and watched Up. That's a brilliant and sad film. 

I bloody hope I've got Tag's Birthday off. I get to find out soon. I'm going to hate it if I don't. What else has happened to me that's not been mentioned in Red's blog already? I saw a shooting star on Monday, just the one, but it was worth it. Its amazing when you stare up at the night sky, and you lose focus you don't realise just how many stars there actually are in the sky.

Also, are we actually doing something tonight? Do I have to choke a bitch, now do you believe?

Carpe diem...

P.S. Party Rock Anthem for the playlist perhaps?

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Small Town Business...

I've gone an twisted my back somehow, so I'm sat here trying to twist it back. I know that's not how backs work, but it sort of makes me feel better. I'm going to try Pills way or back cracking soon. Wish me luck...

Yesterday was DarkHorse's birthday meal in Risca. Not to speak ill of anyone's home town, but home towns are somewhat rubbish aren't they? And by rubbish I mean, small, and lacking in something significant that I can't quite put my thumb on. Why do all parents think it would be a good idea to move to the suburbs to live out the rest of their days? Even villages and large houses in the country are better in my opinion. 

Anyway, moving on, we entered the establishment of Indian Cuisine and ate our fill, we got given tickets to the gun show (Bollywood be weird, but a good kind of weird), and I admired the ceiling and wondered whether it would go well in a sex dungeon or not. After the meal we went to the Commercial Inn, a very honest name if you ask me, and had another quiet drink before departing back to the city. I'll tell you what, car trips with friends and music are epic. A good sing-a-long and a rave are what's needed to see the journey on. 

Either way, the swingers and I lingered a while at mine, hanging out and hydrating and yawning (that was a big one). We made a list of films Red needed to see, and talked about Hitchikers, Alton Towers, Comic-Con Aftermaths, and Lord of the Rings Days. The next coming months shall be pricy, but awesome I'm sure. And I'm looking forward to them very much. Thank you guys...

Carpe diem...

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Adventures Await...

I've had a recurring dream for the past couple of weeks now, which is odd, since I don't normally dream...

I'm wandering down corridors and corridors, just on going. I'm either with Cherry, Tag, or Red and combinations of the three, and then the corridors start looking like Diagon Ally, and start having shop windows and a glass ceiling letting in more light than shops. It's weird. And then the corridors start widening and start looking a lot like some of the many arcades in the city. Each with a crossroads, and then people start appearing. Hooded, robed, sometimes just norms. I don't know any of them, its like some Inception shit. And most recently, with Cherry and Red, I followed them, and they turned left at one of the crossroads and it led us outside, into the gardens. And I think they were a mix and mash up of gardens from Versailles to St. Fagans. I don't think they mean anything, they're just rather nice to experience.

I'm going to have to cut this blog short again today, because time is, yet again, against me. Tag is coming over in 15 mins, and then we both have our daily commitments to endure before DarkHorse's party in the Valleys. 

It'll be interesting, and I don't know what we'll end up doing. Probably running back to the city, because small towns creepy us out now. I haven't been up there in a year, it'll be nice to see the green mountains again (hills, sorry Cherry). Take me to see some real mountains then. And I'll take you to Tintern Abbey and a load of castles and an island full of puffins.

We've all got our places. And I hope to share mine with you guys (alright, gay).

Carpe diem...

Friday, 9 August 2013

Pixar Theory...


'No, if I was Mentally Deficient, I would have missed...'

Yeah, I started watching Misfits again last night because I'm a poor plagiarist, who just likes to cave to peer pressure and copy everyone around him. Oh well...

Yesterday was a usual day, except when I brought up Pixar Theory, then I discovered that very few people at the daily commitment knew about it, and I think I was talking to Red about it the previous evening, due to Monsters University, and the beautiful short The Blue Umbrella (you don't say). There were tyre-marks on that thing and everything. And I did watch the Paperman (ouch, right in the feels). How do they get it so right?

I've decided I wanna, together as a group, make a series of short films (obviously we don't have a budget, or a deadline, but it's something new to try. And we could come up with ideas together and write them all out, and breathe life into Lazy Student Productions once more?), and if not, I want to take a load of Band Photos (maybe on our days out in August - that could be good).

I think Paperman is the best one so far, true love and fate and really nice animation and music to match. Teary eyes and everything. Anyway, where was I? Pixar Theory...

So I'm just going to copy and paste this here because I'm a plagiarist and blow all your minds (I really fancy learning piano. There's a guitar in the window of the Cranes shop I pass almost every morning that has a sign on it the reads 'I come with Free Lessons')...

So yes. Pixar Theory. Mind Blown much?

Either way, it got me thinking (oh the lies) about my challenge of writing something in the real world for once (thanks Tag). Red's got the Poems, Tag's got the RomCom, and I've got the Real World (I think Cherry would have been challenged too, if she hadn't been half asleep at the time. Let's challenge Cherry too!

I also liked the idea about four separate films from the same footage. August sounds like a creative month. Flexing our muscles for some NaNoWriMo perhaps? But I've been thinking about the theory of writing again, and a presentation I had to give in Uni about how my stories (or at least the fantasy ones) were all about geography and language, or they were the more important aspects to me. Getting the feel of the story right. I shan't bore you with any more of the bits I find interesting (MAPS!), but I'll just say, if I was a student now, I would be a much better student (Dr. Matt Jones style).

I'll get on with some plotlines and planning later I think. Pill's going to be away for about two weeks he reckons, after he comes back and does three days work next week. So that's cool. We'll both holiday away from each other. It has to happen every now and then, or else our moods would just affect each other quite a bit I imagine.

But I've written quite enough for one day. DarkHorse's tomorrow, and I haven't the slightest idea of what's happening, but I do have the Parking Permit, the possibilities are endless...

Carpe diem...

Thursday, 8 August 2013

I've Gone From Caring...

Ah, a nice dose of Morning Flu to set you right for the day...

So, we went to see Monsters University last night, and we had a great time. It was funny, full of characters we knew, and some voice actors that surprised us too. It was a nice break from my yesterday of cleaning, or the week or so of Pill's sadness/stressedness. He's fine, he'll get through it. Don't bring it up.

Nothing much of note happened with my day yesterday, I managed to start planning a character yesterday afternoon, being a scholarly, stereotype and sat at the pub, watching the ships go by in the Bay. It was a nice afternoon, and then we had drinks and then went to Chicken House for food. 

At food we reminisced of old times, as the movie had reminded us about Uni (although our university experience was nothing like that, mores the pity). And so many things have changed. We're older, thinner, and sexier than we were. We've got young friends, and older friends, friends getting married, and friends having children. And then we started talking about birthdays, and the topic got onto the Hobbit Barn Dance, and then Rosie Cotton...

I think it's safe to say that I'm Samwise, and Tag has pretty much always been Frodo. But now, I really don't care who Rosie Cotton is. I know it was HB at the time, two and a half years ago, but, and I said it last night, I don't think we're friends anymore. And I'm fine with that. I really don't care, so could people stop acting like I do?

HB and I have too much history to be reconciled now. It's over, it's gone, and it ain't coming back, and that's probably due to my lack of caring. And this is all I'll say on the matter. 

So, that took me a long time to realise, and figure out, but hey, I'm a man.

But on to happier things. I'll have another Barn Dance I think, or have I already said, for my 25th. Yay! And I'm all set for Comic-Con now. You should see the whole ensemble, I hope I'll look quite dashing, and not a fat man trying to play at being an adventurer. 

Oh well, pushed for time, I'm running late this morning, so I'll catch you all in a bit...

Carpe diem...

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

I Wanked Off An Elbow...

Where do I begin? Ah yes...Concerning Hobbits...Hobbits have been living and farming in the four farthings of the Shire for...wait a minute! This isn't my weekend (yet).

So Friday happened, and then it was followed by Saturday and Sunday (too vague?). Time to elaborate, although you may find some details already present on Red's blog, so blah.

Daily commitments over, I march out into town waiting for Red, as per plan to go home, get ready, go out. Instead I received a text informing me that they had already gone out. I went home got changed and headed straight out again, and back to the Queen's Vaults, whereby I had to go get some money from the hole in the wall due to lack of card taking abilities at the Vaults (make a note of that). Anyway, we proceeded to drink and make merry, dividing into smaller groups for talking. Tag, Red, and I were such a group, and because I arrived late to the shindig I was very behind on the drunk scale. I tried to catch up and upon leaving the pub I was only a pint behind everyone else, but I had spent half the time there. We frolicked and played in the pub, talking about odd topics and everything. Tag snogged me, and in an attempt to save Red from the awks we fondled her carelessly making it as uncomfortable as it could be. Then the handshakes happened, and a comment about a Bean that didn't go down too well. But onwards to the Bunkhouse! It was nice, there weren't any bed seats free though, but instead I stood and watched 300 for a while, and got a pint bought for me. Red led me, Tag and Cherry by the hand to Copa where shots and bombs were provided. Tag smashed something and we left. I lifted both Red and Cherry (Red has some strong thighs), and I flashed Red's arse at a few smokers outside Boroco (Lesbians). Then back to Bunkhouse where Cherry was denied entry for being too drunk, and then to the Borough where I smashed a couple of things, drank too much, missed a conversation about everyone going to the cinema to watch Wolverine on Thursday (did anyone else here about that?), and I somewhat banished the demons from within me in the basement loos of the Borough. Then I found a bench, slept for a short while, got shouted at by Pill a bit, carried Red a while, picked up a Road Closed sign, and went home. And that was Friday Night...

Saturday dawned, and I woke, in my bed, with Friday Night top on, wearing sunglasses, and feeling somewhat ill. Water provided, I had the rockstar life without the track-marks and I don't think I'd change a thing, except maybe food first next time. It was a brilliantly fun night out, and maybe some dancing next time. Missoula Saturday night? Anyway, Saturday came and instead of wallowing in selfpity and hangovers I went to walk it off with Red and Cherry before work, MaccyD's y'all! And enjoyed the company, hydrating, and laughing (we are friends!) Unfortunately they had to go to work so I walked them there, providing tasty beverages, and met up with DarkHorse and HB. Shopping was had, and they found a shirt for me to wear for Comic-Con (all I need are some boots now. My monies pocket hurts!). But then I thought HB was going home, but instead invited herself for dinner. We bought a few foody things, and returned home. Now, I don't know if any of you guys get this (and I imagine you do occasionally) but its the restless thing I get, but in reverse. I want you to leave, and not, I want to leave. I know there's somewhere for you to be, so go. I got that about HB on Saturday. Instead of making dinner, that was left to Pill while she watched Netflix on my xbox. DarkHorse read a while and I tried to make myself busy, but it was a 'be a host' type feeling. But that was useless. Then my mother guilt tripped me into drinking again, so after dinner I made to leave, but HB insisted I waited for her and walk her to the station. I did graciously. I met Mum and she made me steal from the club, and I ran home where Pill greeted me with the Game of Thrones board game.

Sunday came, and I tidied a bit, and then went for lunch with Pill, DarkHorse, and Red. Then I had an afternoon of historical drama with DarkHorse and then Date Night happened. Peter Capaldi is a good Doctor, and I love him as Malcolm Tucker in Thick Of It. And then we watched The Conjuring, a not scary film, and not the thing nightmares have nightmares about. And then to encourage us for more scares we watched Dark Skies, which did give me a chill or two, namely the silent scream. That was horrible. We all laughed at Red for her 'Black Family' attitude and screams at sponsors. But so far frightening Date Night hasn't happened since V/H/S. Found Footage next time? Bedtime came and Red and I stayed up talking well into the morning about this and that and all the while I bathed in the insecurities of others across the line. I refreshed her memory about the Lounge Slut, the Kitchen Wench, and the Toilet Harlot. We laughed and cried and went home.


Monday morning came, and I crept, like a ninja, through Tag and Cherry's house waking everyone with my actions, and especially the cat. I walked to work in the pouring rain, and got soaked through. Although the day was made better by good sales and a Brady.

All in all a good weekend was had (well, Saturday not so much). And more plans beckon on the horizon. DarkHorse summons us all to her home town this Saturday, after which we might hit more of Cardiff town, who knows. Wolverine Thursday? Seriously, who else heard those plans being made? Which also explains why HB insisted she might come over on Thursday despite everyone having work. Why Thursday? And the Bay Beach is there until 1st September, and I'm waiting for the Sun to come back. I've got tomorrow off, I wonder if it'll be pleasant.

Pill's going away for almost a week as of Friday if any of you want to do anything. But until then, tidying, hobbies, and a good life to you all...

Carpe diem...

Friday, 2 August 2013

Luck's Got Nothing To Do With It...

I am a lucky man. I'm not the luckiest man in the world, but I'm not the most unfortunate either. I haven't won the lottery, I haven't got money, houses, yachts, holidays, Latin American democracies, or fame. But I am a lucky man.

And I think the main reason I feel like this is due to my friends. Some people say I have too many, others wonder how I have time for them all. Well the truth is, I don't. I do have to choose. Some days its you, and other days its you. That's the long and short of it. And I'm not writing this to be an arse, or to say that I've got more friends than you, nah, nah, nah. nah, NAH! I'm writing this to thank you all. 

Whether you've driven me to the ends of the earth, or you've downloaded my favourite movies and music, read everything I've almost ever written, or simply sat there and spent an afternoon with me. I've laughed with you all, cried with some of you, and made you all my special few. I've played sports, video games, board games, party games with almost all of you. I've danced, and sung, and enjoyed myself the entire time. 

We've all had our ups and our downs, I know that my moods do swiftly change, week in and week out, but I'm glad you guys are always there for me. I'm glad in the knowledge, the security, the understanding that we're there for each other, not all the time, but when it matters most of all. 

And I really want to thank you for the decades, years, months, days, just time that we've spent together, and I hold you all in the high of highs. You are my family (and I know my mother will hate me saying that, but you're my family too) and I do actually love you all, old and new. You have completed my life so far, and I hope you continue to do so for decades to come.

Now, let's ignore that sentimental crap and watch this video of the Bennett's year so far (he's been busy)...

Carpe diem...