One day more, another day another destiny!...
And now comes the final day of my week, before I can press the big fat reset button that resides in Saturday's newspaper, and forget the bollocks that's happened this week, purely because I wasn't in the mood for it. Hopefully that'll do it, and hopefully I'll be able to eat properly again, and sleep, and generally be myself (unless this is myself, in which case - dun, dun DUN! - too meta?)
Yesterday was the same old same old, and I got to hang out with Pill and his mate Lee for a while after the daily commitments. It was cool, just sitting and talking politics, work, philosophy, and a great deal more with them. I couldn't be bothered to cook again, and I haven't really managed to stomach anything for most of the week. That might be one of the factors for my mood I suppose - but at least I'll be nice and thin by comic-con if this feeling doesn't go away. Always got to look on the positive side of things.
Though (and I don't mean this) I did just think about writing a joke about how dying would be the next positive thing to happen to me, which when you put it like that it certainly sounds funny...
Anyway, tomorrow I hope to wake up at a reasonable hour and just relax. No daily commitments, no nothing to do, just sit and calm the fuck down Bridget!
I think I need another adventure soon. Perhaps when the sun comes back in September. I don't know where I'll go, but I think I might need some new scenery or something. Perhaps I won't. I remember following Jimbo in the dark of winter through a bog, and I lost my shoe in sub-zero temperatures, and then we stumbled on a milking plant and almost got chased by dogs and men, as we climbed through barbed wire fences. I also remember falling down a mountain and bouncing off every tree on the way down, but that's another story I'm sure...
As Red has announced and shown her challenged fiction, 6 Poems, I wish to say that I have at least made a start on my real-world fiction. I think it's going to be called "Bute Wall" (a working title) and its obviously set in Cardiff (write what you know). I'm not going to give anything else away, but I think it's going to be a short-ish story about hope and hopelessness (how very deep of me - is it?).
That's what fills my evenings now, Pill goes to bed, and I sit up writing. It's quite pleasant. We don't share the same bed, although that sentence could be read that way. It reminds me of the uni days, except I'm purely using a pen and paper, and an iPod helps too.
But anyway, I think I've babbled on a bit now. See you on the new dawn...
Carpe diem...
P.S. Sorry for being a dick the other night.
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