Where do I begin? Ah yes...Concerning Hobbits...Hobbits have been living and farming in the four farthings of the Shire for...wait a minute! This isn't my weekend (yet).
So Friday happened, and then it was followed by Saturday and Sunday (too vague?). Time to elaborate, although you may find some details already present on Red's blog, so blah.
Daily commitments over, I march out into town waiting for Red, as per plan to go home, get ready, go out. Instead I received a text informing me that they had already gone out. I went home got changed and headed straight out again, and back to the Queen's Vaults, whereby I had to go get some money from the hole in the wall due to lack of card taking abilities at the Vaults (make a note of that). Anyway, we proceeded to drink and make merry, dividing into smaller groups for talking. Tag, Red, and I were such a group, and because I arrived late to the shindig I was very behind on the drunk scale. I tried to catch up and upon leaving the pub I was only a pint behind everyone else, but I had spent half the time there. We frolicked and played in the pub, talking about odd topics and everything. Tag snogged me, and in an attempt to save Red from the awks we fondled her carelessly making it as uncomfortable as it could be. Then the handshakes happened, and a comment about a Bean that didn't go down too well. But onwards to the Bunkhouse! It was nice, there weren't any bed seats free though, but instead I stood and watched 300 for a while, and got a pint bought for me. Red led me, Tag and Cherry by the hand to Copa where shots and bombs were provided. Tag smashed something and we left. I lifted both Red and Cherry (Red has some strong thighs), and I flashed Red's arse at a few smokers outside Boroco (Lesbians). Then back to Bunkhouse where Cherry was denied entry for being too drunk, and then to the Borough where I smashed a couple of things, drank too much, missed a conversation about everyone going to the cinema to watch Wolverine on Thursday (did anyone else here about that?), and I somewhat banished the demons from within me in the basement loos of the Borough. Then I found a bench, slept for a short while, got shouted at by Pill a bit, carried Red a while, picked up a Road Closed sign, and went home. And that was Friday Night...
Saturday dawned, and I woke, in my bed, with Friday Night top on, wearing sunglasses, and feeling somewhat ill. Water provided, I had the rockstar life without the track-marks and I don't think I'd change a thing, except maybe food first next time. It was a brilliantly fun night out, and maybe some dancing next time. Missoula Saturday night? Anyway, Saturday came and instead of wallowing in selfpity and hangovers I went to walk it off with Red and Cherry before work, MaccyD's y'all! And enjoyed the company, hydrating, and laughing (we are friends!) Unfortunately they had to go to work so I walked them there, providing tasty beverages, and met up with DarkHorse and HB. Shopping was had, and they found a shirt for me to wear for Comic-Con (all I need are some boots now. My monies pocket hurts!). But then I thought HB was going home, but instead invited herself for dinner. We bought a few foody things, and returned home. Now, I don't know if any of you guys get this (and I imagine you do occasionally) but its the restless thing I get, but in reverse. I want you to leave, and not, I want to leave. I know there's somewhere for you to be, so go. I got that about HB on Saturday. Instead of making dinner, that was left to Pill while she watched Netflix on my xbox. DarkHorse read a while and I tried to make myself busy, but it was a 'be a host' type feeling. But that was useless. Then my mother guilt tripped me into drinking again, so after dinner I made to leave, but HB insisted I waited for her and walk her to the station. I did graciously. I met Mum and she made me steal from the club, and I ran home where Pill greeted me with the Game of Thrones board game.
Sunday came, and I tidied a bit, and then went for lunch with Pill, DarkHorse, and Red. Then I had an afternoon of historical drama with DarkHorse and then Date Night happened. Peter Capaldi is a good Doctor, and I love him as Malcolm Tucker in Thick Of It. And then we watched The Conjuring, a not scary film, and not the thing nightmares have nightmares about. And then to encourage us for more scares we watched Dark Skies, which did give me a chill or two, namely the silent scream. That was horrible. We all laughed at Red for her 'Black Family' attitude and screams at sponsors. But so far frightening Date Night hasn't happened since V/H/S. Found Footage next time? Bedtime came and Red and I stayed up talking well into the morning about this and that and all the while I bathed in the insecurities of others across the line. I refreshed her memory about the Lounge Slut, the Kitchen Wench, and the Toilet Harlot. We laughed and cried and went home.
Monday morning came, and I crept, like a ninja, through Tag and Cherry's house waking everyone with my actions, and especially the cat. I walked to work in the pouring rain, and got soaked through. Although the day was made better by good sales and a Brady.
All in all a good weekend was had (well, Saturday not so much). And more plans beckon on the horizon. DarkHorse summons us all to her home town this Saturday, after which we might hit more of Cardiff town, who knows. Wolverine Thursday? Seriously, who else heard those plans being made? Which also explains why HB insisted she might come over on Thursday despite everyone having work. Why Thursday? And the Bay Beach is there until 1st September, and I'm waiting for the Sun to come back. I've got tomorrow off, I wonder if it'll be pleasant.
Pill's going away for almost a week as of Friday if any of you want to do anything. But until then, tidying, hobbies, and a good life to you all...
Carpe diem...
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