Thursday, 24 October 2013

Good Start...

Life is a game in which the player must appear to be ridiculous...

There aren't many better ways to start the day than at dawn, with a warm shower and then out into the fresh crisp morning, before the sun has crept over the buildings of the city to have a walk down the river to the station. All the while with a big grin on your face from the music your iPod is coming out with. And then you merely run into, by chance, a friend at the station and wander round for a good catch-up and a coffee.

Love the one you hold, and I'll be your goal to have and to hold, a lover of the light. Followed by...

There's an old voice in my head that's holding me back. Well tell her that I miss our little talks, soon it will be over and buried with our past. We used to play outside when we were young and full of life and full of love...

And needless to say a man chat followed...

*The details have been deleted and no records can be found.*

It was nice to hang out with Tag again. It's seemed like such a long time. And things appear to be hotting up in Downton Abbey. The Lord's Wife nearly died, and he's been having a bit of a fling with a House Maid, meanwhile a Maid and a Butler have been married and he's subsequently been arrested for the murder of his former Wife. And now it's Christmas. 

All in all, it's been an alright day of far. I've even been to the market, and done the washing. Red came to see me last night as we were shutting the shop and she made me think in a more positive fashion than I have done so in a while. It was a good thought. And so far, these 11 Days of work before a 3-day weekend seem most worthwhile.

Positivity and Prosperousness be among us all. Carpe diem...

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