Sunday, 13 October 2013

Cinema Grill...

I have to say, my blogs haven't really been about very much recently. Life, or my concept of it at least, as plateau'd waiting for the extraordinary to happen - and do you know what? The extraordinary happened...

There was a cinema trip, and a night out, and tonight there's dinner and a show. Things be coming up Milhouse. But anyway, starting from the top and finishing some time tomorrow (as work begins in just 15mins) Let's say that the cinema trip was a lovely way to wind down Hump Day. 

Catch a car ride with your friends, travel all the way to the Bay and hang out in a small and quiet pub, that's friendly and well stocked enough that we could have easily stayed to play cards. We drank and ate our fill (actually a lot more than our fill) to which some of us regretted it. Large Mixed Grills aren't the way to go. Tasty, but I couldn't have one every week. And yet Hot Dogs? Either way, we downed pints (bad idea) and ventured out into the brisk night air. Red discovered that she could hide, quite well inside my jacket, bag and all, and we found seats in the cinema to see Filth...

Now, I enjoyed that movie, it was funny, dark, and dramatic, a brilliant role of Mc-Cavoy's. It even showed you more, and less, than you were expecting to see all most all of the time. There was also a whole thing where all of the music was a cover of something else and some underlying themes stretching throughout. I would get all studenty on it, but I'm not a student, so fuck-it. And now we all know the definition of Furious Masturbation.

But I digress. Time has now run out, and I require to tell you all about Friday Night and then tonight also. Please stay tuned for the next installment of The Extraordinary Life of the Swingers...

Carpe diem...

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