Saturday, 5 October 2013

Quiet Contemplation...

The red sun rises on the fifth day, coffee steams on the bookcase, and How Long Will I Love You is serenading me from my iPod...

I hate to say it, but all these things are needed to get me out of bed this morning. I tried, in my fatigue (not mentally) to wake my body up through exercise. Unfortunately, my body decided that enough was enough and gave up half way through. So, that's a little bit of exercise Thursday Night, Friday Night, and now this morning - that makes for one workout right?

Tonight we chill and get this party started riiiight!

We're going over Red's to hangout: movies, telly, food, what excitements will we have in store. And I've got to remember to get the flavoured water... (psst, like I'll forget)...

Last night, I didn't get up to much, Pill's away this weekend, so I came home to a quiet house, but still with the washing up to do from when I cooked on Wednesday. So, I phoned my mother - she's back from her holidays with Dad, and then I turned my tunes on and jammed to all the ballads and danced and sang whilst I washed and cooked. I caught my reflection in the kitchen window, and I didn't think there was a fat man singing there any more. Don't get me wrong, I've got a long way to go just yet, but I'm actually thinking I'm not that fat any more...

I suppose I got the hint, when I had to go buy a new dinner jacket because all the other ones could go around me more than once (perhaps Dad wants them)...

I made the food I will be eating all weekend, a sort of bolognese with bacon instead of mince, and settled in to watch a completely rubbish RomCom with Reese Witherspoon, Paul Rudd, Owen Wilson, and Jack Nickolson. It was awful, I don't even know why I watched it. But it gave me hope that if something that rubbish (even the Last Airbender movie) could be made, then there's room for me somewhere up there.

And no one's really told me what they thought of Bute Wall yet!

So, that was my evening of quiet contemplation and exercise. Bit of a let down really, but then I was tired. Roll on 7:30!

Carpe diem...

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