A day of cleaning, television, and writing awaits me, but first I started a new exercise regime. I think you'll agree the old one wasn't getting me anywhere, and I will admit that was mainly to do with eating out all the time, and not having any food in the house so falling for a takeaway, which is exactly what happened last night...
Pill and I have been working long hours, and despite getting home at 4pm almost daily he then spends a few hours working on his dissertation, so we basically do the same hours at the moment. So when I got back yesterday (payday) neither of us had done any shopping and our fridge was filled with drinks and condiments, and nothing worth making a meal out of. I offered to buy Pizza Hut and we slobbed and watched Pokemon Movie 2000, which was something Pill hadn't seen before. He enjoyed obvs.
There's a TV Series we could all watch again, Pokemon!...
Gone are the days of Date Night Sunday, what're we gonna do without the Returned? Actual scary films or perhaps The Lord of the Rings?! Pirates?! But we should really finish Harry Potter before we try any of that.
Anyway, exercise... It's called the Spartacus Workout (google it) and Clareg recommends it for burning fat in the fastest way. You basically do a set of ten exercises for 30, 40, or 60 seconds a piece, and you repeat if you want a harder workout. And the exercises are mainly thigh related (the largest muscle group) so if I also start eating a little better than I am now, and if I reduce my drinking (occasionally) I might end up looking a little something like this...
Only fatter, larger, and brilliant in every way, so probably a bit more like this...
...alright, gay...
But anyway. Pill got quite ill after the pizza, but he lives to tell the tale. I've brought the final things I require from Amazon, Pill's lending me a telescope which is awesome. I'm not sure I'll have a weapon, I can't find one I like. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place, but the end of the month cometh. Red has now marked us all down for her crew as well. The steampunk charms be awesome!
I wouldn't mind playing Game of Thrones again...maybe later. Today I must buy a bag and possibly some food, though I'm not sure how important food is compared to material goods...
Carpe diem...