Friday, 19 July 2013

Oh, Friday?...

Where you to, butt?

And here it is, the last day of my holiday, tomorrow's an official day-off and then it's back to a daily commitment, my next day off being Wednesday. Is this really how I'm living life at the moment, counting the days between free time? Everyone's got to make a living I suppose.

That reminds me, time to do the lottery...

Done, that was quick and easy. The EuroMillions are back down to an ordinary £13m, which, don't get me wrong, I'd be very grateful to win. Holidays all round! But it doesn't quite compare to last month's £121m. Holidays for half the country!

I don't know. Does that make me greedy, probably. I wonder what I'd do with all that money? Well the nearest and dearest will all be taken care of in one way or another. £100k to everyone I know? 130 people's lives changed? I don't think I know 130 people I'd want to give money to, so that's a weight lifted, more for me (yep, I'm greedy).

I'd buy a car well maybe not a car, but a vehicle of some kind, and it'll become a mascot and I'll drive it all over the world, Top Gear style. Tag and Cherry will get a house, Red wants a boat, and together we'll all go traveling, but have somewhere to stay. Maybe not.

I've been thinking about my 25th again (one year from now if you were thinking), and I think I'll set myself 12 challenges between the December 2013 and November 2014 to complete before I'm 25. Not like bucket list things, but sort of (I'm not dying, but who knows). Any suggestions? I'm thinking lose a considerable amount of weight (i.e. put a number to it for once), or write something unforgettable - they're both kinda rubbish aren't they? (VIN DIESEL)

Money would solve everything, but perhaps it won't. And then the party at the end of the challenges will be awesome. Hobbit Barn Dance Mark-II? Actual Hog Roast, Actual Barn, Actually in the middle of Winter? Perhaps that's not such a good idea. Also, I don't live in Barn country.

Today I will spend, buying things for costumes, and presents, and hopefully food. I may even end up in Big End this evening for the sixth time in a fortnight for TimTim's Birthday. Who knows?

All I want is nothing more
To hear you knocking at my door
'cause if I could see your face once more
I could die as a happy man I'm sure
(the copycat strikes again!)

Carpe diem...

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