Monday, 9 September 2013

I Surrender To The Strawberry Ice Cream...

It's nice to remember specific scenes of your life from a single song lyric...

Like, Friday I bought Saints Row 4, and now it's Monday again. WTF?! Okay, I'm over-exaggerating, but I remember why I started waking up at midday and shit like that now, because I wasn't going to bed until 2-3-4am. It's good to get back into Video Games again, before I have to change consoles to keep up with modern trends...

In actual fact I went on my ever increasingly sparse visits to the Parental Home on Saturday, catching the train wonderfully early in the morning, to be there for 9:30am. And then I spent a large majority of the morning chatting, catching up, making Rice Salad for my mother's 'friend' whose birthday it was that evening. And then we sat down and watched Saturday Kitchen, followed by the F1 Qualifying. Having no where else to go, I sat and watched too. And after that, everyone else either left the room or the house, leaving me by myself with nothing on the telly. And they complain when I'm not there, I turn up do a few things for them, and then they all bugger off! Seriously guys, I was kinda bored. Step it up next time.

Either way, I returned home catching the same train as my sister and her friends, and departed at the station. I was going to meet Red, and then going to have some dinner. Bangers and Mash, Boom Baby! We hungout a bit, chatting, watching the end of an anime series Pill and DarkHorse had been watching, and then the Impossible Game happened. And if you haven't see it already, Red had a go too:

...the sheer frustration on her face, bless. But that FUUUCK really does make the video...

I walked Red to the other side of town and walked back, returning to Saints 4. It's wonderfully good fun. Tentacle Swords, Dubstep Guns, and the Movie References, all make for brilliant laughs and I shan't spoil anything for you, except one line a dying man screamed while I was trying to save the planet from aliens...

Oh God! Tell my wife, I had another wife...

Sunday was mostly spent on the xbox, though once Pill and DarkHorse returned we dinned on cockles and spaghetti and watched the Pirates films, it was a wonderfully lazy, lazy day - and it didn't even rain like it was meant too. And now my washing all smells crap because I dried it indoors. Next weekend I shan't sit around all day, Red brought up the topic of exploring, and it got me urging for more walking around the place. I've got a coat, no weather gonna stop me, and when I return, Saints will be waiting for me...

But first I've got a whole other week to go. About Time on Wednesday, maybe. And Mother made me weigh myself I'm at 17st 10.5lbs (which is still a shocking number, but when you think I started out the year on somewhere closer to 23st, is far more impressive). 

I've also realised that when I'm alone (i.e. when I know no one's coming back here to say 'hi') I'm far more productive than when someone's here. Although, as discussed at length, when I'm alone, I'd be alone - and I think that's something we discovered in First Year. I'm going to have to learn to handle that I reckon.

Sunday's rain appears to be here and now on Monday morning, so please don't mind me as I get soaked on the way to work...

Carpe diem...

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