Tonight, an iPod died in Cardiff. Somebody knows why...somebody knows. He sat there, upon his chair, and stared into the night. The man was very ordinary looking, apart from being a few pounds too heavy, and having a wavy mouse-tail hairstyle. He had just been dismissed, which confused him, and forced him to recap his evening...
The day was one of oddities, he thought, as he remembered having to stay inside when pleasantness was occurring in the outer realms. He did manage to steal a few minutes of sunshine during his breaks, and that was how it started.
The ever delightful Red was in town, spending yet another day off, and made her rounds through the workplaces of her associates. She apparently missed the man, though his colleagues informed him that she had been there. He left her a non-committal message and went about his sunshine. The lovely Cherry was working, and the man ventured forth, beckoned into her workplace by her workmates. The ever delightful Red returned and informed the pair, though namely the man, of the developments.
Cocktails were to be had an entire three days earlier than planned. The man had no idea why, though he suspected that a cat was involved somewhere. So as he completed his daily tasks he was greeted by the ever delightful Red and an upstanding gent. They noticed that the man had changed, as was suggested to him earlier in the day.
The trio moved from the airless shopping centre to the more comfortable street corner, awaiting the arrival of the final couple of their party; the lovely Cherry and a fine character of gent. Despite his insistence, the party moved to a nearby Chicken Eatery, and ate away their cocktail money. And soon after, they maneuvered their way through the city. All-the-while the man was being criticized and complained to because of his decisions.
He thought he'd ignore it, though he did something much worse, he became the joke. The man hated himself, and he simply continued being and doing. The night carried on. The cocktails were expensive, as cocktails tended to be, the group had missed out on the happy hour due to the man's late finish. He did not get drunk, nor did he feel the warmth of the alcohol in his stomach. He was disappointed, though he gathered that everyone else had a nice time...
Carpe diem...
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