Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Father's Drunk Pepper Spray Walk...

I think my crazy levels have certainly come back down to weird since Saturday evening. Let's face it, I was a tad (very) stupidly OTT, and I've even come to the conclusion that living with a couple is an okay thing. Obviously there are still silly little questions niggling in the back of my head, but that's what happens isn't it?

So, Pill gets back today and I'm ready for the apology (I was a bit out of order), and the Property News, ready for some new apartments/houses - and upon viewing and saying such he says rather nonchalantly that there's no need, the previous plan is back on track. I'm not annoyed, but I would have liked a bit of notice as I had already started looking for new places for us all. Oh well, no point saying anything now. I'll save the apology for our next deep conversation. He's already judging me for walking Red to the Bus Stop (I wouldn't question it, or mention it, Pill doesn't blog and gets a bit violated at the thought of him being spoken again behind his back for the whole world to see). We, to be fair, that's not the truth - the world doesn't read my blog. I'm not nearly that interesting, and I'm quite grateful for that.

Father's Day happened. I returned to the Homestead for the Day to eat, part with gifts, and chat in much merriment. I think I could summarise by saying that I got there had a coffee with Mum, baked Cookies and Apple Sponge with Ben while talking about video games obviously, sat with Dad in the rainy garden, and gave Natalie back her Lord of the Rings DVDs (well, they're not hers, but she'll treat them as if they are, which might means they inevitably get lost or broken. 

I returned home and watched The Returned (have you guys seen that stuff yet?!). And basically since then I've been trying to think of things to do with my days. Yesterday consisted of getting Tag drunk, which I did quite successfully I believe. They tried to make me get with a Barmaid to whom I was not vaguely interested in. So, I showed the guys what I've got and discovered that she was an apt Barmaid, Cocktail Waitress, and Chef (having to taste them all), and that she wanted to join the Army next purely to please her Grandfathers (and that's plural). It's good that I make these first impressions because, let's face it, I'm a bit weird, disjointed and I can't use my words sometimes. I do remember leaving her by saying 'some men like that' (all the while in my head I was going, but not me). Oh well. 

10pm rolled round and yes we partied hard, and I walked Red home, being her Pepper-Spray, and we had a bit of a walk around the Bay. You can buy some Pepper-Spray here. It was nice, we found a compass, which was also a bit mappy, and we could have touched the water in the cannals they were so high. I got to see where Red aspired to live in the Bay (did you realise in your blog that you used your name at that point?). I got a quick tour of the apartment again, Hammerz and PokeBall, plus Dolphins and New York and I was on my way. 

In the morning, namely today, as it is Tuesday now, I woke and rushed around getting ready to welcome Dad with a parking permit. He brought some garden chairs, and promises to bring a table next time, and I broke my watch in the process (what the actual fuck). I returned Cherry's stuff to her, and she repaired my watch. Debby Hams Forevs!

I went to see how Tag was feeling, but I bumped into his Boss before doing so and was swiftly warned off before I entered the store. Needless to say I returned to the flat and played hours of xbox trying to get inspired, but it wasn't until Red suggested a walk (before I was going to), and we went for a walk, Pill came too, and complained almost the entire time. We found some foods (I got Tea Cakes), and watched Emperor's New Groove. And that's that, now I must get on with some plot before the conversation on Facebook gets out of hand...oh wait, it already has...

Carpe diem...

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