So, it turns out that my body completely rejects extra sleep by a. providing it when an alarm clock isn't summoned, and b. providing the most annoying headache that can't be subdued by painkillers or laziness...
Other than that, Sunday was a typical Sunday. I got up, I had done all the chores the night before so there were clean everythings and realised that there was in fact nothing for breakfast. It's a dilemma I come across almost once every one and a half weeks when my cereal box empties itself. It's something I'm going through at the moment in fact, but I'll talk you through it in a little bit.
So Pill, being the hunter gatherer (mostly gatherer) went around the corner and got both bacon and bread. Luckily we had bread, and he went to town on breakfast. Cos we all know that a well balanced breakfast is designed with a piece of fatty protein wedged between two slices of carbs both with some fatty substances spread upon them. I make bacon sarnies sound so appealing.
The day went on. I restarted Skyrim again (yes I'm a sad mofo) and created Dova for the first time. And then I watched the Fellowship of the Ring again to appease Pill and DarkHorse. They were slightly annoyed that we had watched it without them despite giving us the permission to do so.
And then Red messaged me suggesting that we get burgers, so I messaged the other two asking whether they wanted burgers too. It was a unanimous yes, and burgaz was had. We went to expensive MaccyD's (GBK) for a bit of a change of scenery, and stuffed our faces with the world's skinniest fries, milkshakes, and burgaz.
And while we were doing that, all getting back to the breakfast thing, Red told us an idea of dieting right up until Christmas. Not a bad idea at all, I thought, and as Diets always begin tomorrow, and as today is tomorrow, my diet begins today before I load up on all the Christmasy goodness.
Not bad for a Sunday. Also, my right ankle ached all day, which, coupled with the headache, was a very unpleasant experience. I'm glad the seats were comfortable and the lights were low in GBK...
Carpe diem chaps!...
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