Monday, 4 November 2013

The Three-Day Weekend...

Well that was a busy old three-day weekend. What's that? You didn't know I had a three-day weekend? Well sit up straight while I tell you mostly about it...

I've just discovered why they don't let you walk around with drinks in libraries and book shops. I just dropped my cup of coffee on my copy of The Game of Thrones. PLEASE DRY OUT OKAY GOD OF BOOK DRYING!

Friday, the first day, I spent mostly at home, cleaning, shopping. I went to the post depo to pick up Red's parcel, and that was about it, until the evening, when I donned my Angry Bird Hat (so warm), and ventured to the Big End for Lady Kate's Halloween Party. There was so much food, and it was good to catch up with the home friends for a short while. Lady Kate is an actual feeder, i.e. when I wasn't eating something she physically rapped my face with food. There's an image for you. I was quite shattered as well and I took a couple of short naps in the dark living room with a CD that kept playing Women's Screams every 5mins. Either way, it was soon time to go home and I stayed at Mom and Dad's. 

The next morning I was up early, apparently - although I wouldn't say 8am was early anymore. Despite going to bed at 1am. I went food shopping with Mum, and she bought me and Pill some things as she thinks we're still students and require that extra food. Then we woke up Ben and went suit shopping, to which I spent "£*£$)O*U and the tailor himself congratulated me on my weight loss, but sided with my Mother when we said that my former suit was too larger because of it. I'm so inconsiderate. I met HB after her work, and we went, into the storm along the train tracks, picking Cherry up on the way and homeward again, where everyone was gathering. 

Nearly an hour and a bit later, we were all looking Sexy as Fuck and hit Cardiff Bridge with the rest of Cardiff to witness the Fireworks in the Park, to which we all huddled and sheltered ourselves from the cold, wind, and rain, until it got a bit much. Then town beckoned. We bumped into Smeccles in Le Lake Poob and Red was somewhat abducted by a slimy individual and then we had to disperse. The night was not yet morning when half the group decided that they couldn't walk any more, and the other half, spurred on my Tag went to Revs, but upstairs Revs. It was weird, creepy, and Cherry had a freak-out. Alcohol, oy-vey. I was concerned that we had lost Red at one point, and I sent Cherry after her. Soz guys, my bad. And then Midnight dawned and the tiara was placed upon the head. It's Red's Birthday (YAY!). Cherry got Sambucca (everytime?!), and Red and I slow danced to Nicki Minaj, or so I'm told. 

We soon left as the club got a bit pushy, and realised we could have been downstairs most of the time. Chili Shots yo! I carried Red to mine, and we all slept, more or less, well. Until the morning, and Tag's Mango Chundering. Which then Tag, Red, and I went for a walk around Bute Park before Breakfast, and he painted the Park a bit. Presents were opening in my Bedroom, Breakfast in Spoons, before a lazy day of cleaning, and gaming, and then Pizza Express for Red's Birthday Meal. 

I had a lovely time, all things considered. Happy Birthday Red...

Carpe diem...

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