Friday, 31 December 2010

Because This Year Needs A Summary...

Well this has been a bit of an uppy downie year for me. And I don't know why I feel the need to summaries it, but that's what is happening so sit back and read to your heart's near contention content. Oh and a Very Happy Ecstatically Merry Tremendous Terrific and hopefully un-Terrifying New Year to all of you, best make the most of it because 2012 is coming soon and as we all know, that's when everything changes - I've got to pay back my Student Loan. So without further ado, let the summary begin...

The start of the year was a rather unfortunate beginning, with the loss of my Grandmother. It was sad, but then she hadn't been herself for more than a decade, so I suppose it was a happy departure, and I hope she's now at peace. Then came a few birthdays and a lot of work, but I managed to overcome both of them.

Then came the Summer, where one of my short screenplays was performed by Canadians, and I passed everything I needed to pass, and I played and frolicked and fumbled through the sunshine. Much Ice Cream and Pancakes were consumed for breakfast or otherwise.

Unfortunately I made many mistakes in the Summer, all within the space of a week. With the successful secret party prepared we had to keep it from my very nosey mother - that was quite difficult. Then I discovered that my Grandfather, my last Grandparent, wasn't very well at all. And not only that but HB Sauce gave me a chance, and I said something stupid and ruined everything - she was hurt, which isn't what I wanted because I love her very much. No wonder after all that I had a headache for 9 Weeks. Ouch right? But it became a dull numbing pain towards the end. Then there was Pill's Birthday which we travelled down to Plymouth for, and much fun was had by all.

On the dawning of my 3rd Year at University my headache disappeared, I don't know why: perhaps it was something to do with the change of environment, of people, or perhaps it was being in a constant proximity with HB Sauce, either way it disappeared, which I was very grateful for. Then for course there was more work to be done. But nothing says the same for very long in anyone's life.

My Grandfather died a week before my 21st. A great man, and a good Grandfather, loved by all and the funeral was definitely an event. But there was his letter to the family which drew a few tears indeed.

My birthday came and went and nothing much happened, for some unknown reason. And of course there was more work to be done, many people got jobs, I got an xbox for my birthday. And then came Christmas, a wonderful time of year, as always, and I've only managed to see some people this Christmas, not everyone that I had wanted, and now it's New Year's Eve, and tonight I will be going to a party with HB Sauce dressed in a dinner jacket and a bow tie, wish me luck...

Oh and a Very Happy New Year to You all...

But that's me, until next time bloggers...

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Just Say Yes...

I don't know why I enjoy RomCom's so much...

Maybe its just because I have this glorified view of the world, or maybe because I've never had a relationship in my life. But I'd like to think that it's due to the former, I'd like to think that life is actually like that, and that certain things happen in certain ways when boy meets girl, and that things always end up, in the end, the way everyone wants.

Well, like I say, that's the way I like to think about it.

But life isn't that kind - or it's in my experience that it's not. Which sort of explains me. Why I'm happy all the time, because I've had the sad, I've done the sad thing, and that doesn't get you anywhere either. I don't know what to do.

Hi by the way.

But that's me, until next time bloggers...

Saturday, 30 October 2010

The Passing of a Few Things...

This post isn't going to be a very happy one, so if you don't want to hear it, look away now...

My Grandfather, Mr. Bernard Turley, died on Thursday at 19:55. He had been suffering from prostate cancer, and looked like he was getting better, until he contracted what I presume was a 'Cold'. Indeed, he will be missed by me, and my entire family. And that is the last I shall speak of that. My mother would like my brother and I to be 'Pallbearers' and I am to do a reading, which we are only happy enough to do.

The Funeral is in almost a week's time, and all I can think about is everything and anything other than work...which is a bugger as my first essay is due in a week and a half's time. I have been thinking about Video Games, Job Prospects, Work Experience, How I'm going to learn Modernism in time, that certain someone, the Funeral, my Grandfather, Food, Memories, Mistakes, the Future, My Birthday (6 days after the funeral - that's going to be a cheery event), certain conversations I've had with people about a certain someone...


It's all a bit much to be thinking about and doing right now don't you think?

I'll tell you this now, this is the last time I am going to wait for something to happen in my life, it happened in the summer, and it happened now. In the summer I had the news about my Grandfather, a Surprise Birthday Party for my Mother, and a certain someone admitting to liking me (guess which one I fucked up?). Well now, it's not exactly the same situation. I would have thought I'd be using my Reading Week to complete work and the like, but no. Last week we received the questions for the essay due next week, last week my grandfather died, last week was a bad week. And on top of it all, I'm terribly distracted from anything and everything. I can't focus.

So, after talking with people, admittedly it was alcohol fueled, I have been advised to 'let sleeping dogs lie' with a certain someone. It's something I don't really want to do, but I feel like I might have to. On my wall I have inscribed: 'Repair the Damage done on the 6th July!!!' Is this how I go about it? Is this how I repair this, by letting it go altogether? Could I suffer another lose this week? I don't know.

I do know, however, that Modernism is a difficult 'ism' to grasp, and that I need to work fast and bloody well to get that done before the end of the week. I'll let you know how it all goes...

But that's me, until next time bloggers...

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Mazing Der-Man Time!...

You know what? I'm actually really fed up of being Single.

Though, you know, I've tried so many times to get girl friends, and screwed it up that many times, so I suppose I don't actually deserve one.

It's quite sad really, a single life style, single food, single work, single life, single life, single life!

I completely fucked up my relationship with a certain someone over the summer (6th July), and have been trying to repair the damage I did since then. I don't know what to do, I've never been in a relationship. I've never tried to properly do this stuff, though I did this time around which is upsetting.

Perhaps I'm never meant to be with anyone.

But I went and opened my big mouth on that day, the evening of that day, and I have been wondering why I would ever say such a thing, ever!

I mean, my Grandfather's not been well, and my Mother's Surprise 50th was in the planning that week, but they shouldn't have gotten in the way, should they? I mean I think I actually truly do (to hell with it) love her. I know I sound all needy and stalkerish, but I bloody well love the woman, and if she doesn't bloody well love me back, well then that's my problem and I've just got to get over it.

The thing is, I really don't want to get over it. She's wonderful. But should I be losing sleep over this topic, and others?

I mean my Grandfather's getting worse apparently, and Mum has been saying these past couple of weeks that if the Chemo doesn't look like it's working, then she doesn't see him surviving to Christmas, and then there's an Essay (Argh! The Stupid Bint!) - need I say more? My birthday is coming up, and I'm stressing for no apparent reason about all of these things, and you know the one thing I'm sad about? I'm sad, because I don't feel like I can talk to her about all of this, I'm sad because I'm writing it here to vent, I'm sad because I'm just sad.

I was seriously contemplating just sitting her down and telling her (not like she doesn't know) that I really do like her and that if she doesn't like me, then she had best tell me right now, because my mind, as some of you know, makes up it's own world and events, and at the moment it's seeing a future with this one girl. So I've got to tell her to put me down in the cruelest way possible and shunt me for future months, which is something I don't want to do for obvious reasons.

But I don't know. I'll probably have a better out look on life tomorrow after a bit of sleep.

But that's me, until next time bloggers...

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

To Love or Not To Love...

Here we are again, not working...

There's 5 Hours until my Modernism Lecture, but I have no idea where it is, so perhaps if I just get my books out at 2.15-4.15 a class will appear around me and we'll begin. That's far better than the alternatives I'll tell you that. Perhaps she'll move it to the end of the week, again, which I can't do, perhaps she'll move it to tomorrow, which I don't want to happen because I want to ask someone something to do with that day, or perhaps she'll move it to a double lesson next week, which I don't want to happen because that'll mean double Modernism, whereby we'll get 4 Hours of it, which should be 6 - so I suppose we're lucky in a sense...

Moving on...

HB Sauce's birthday went wonderfully I hope. She seemed to enjoy it. The Surprise bit didn't really happen, but it was still a nice gesture...yes? Anywho, I got to talking with Tag and Cherrybelly about love and relationships and the like before the Paaaaaaaartay last week. Merely exclaiming, Cherrybelly said: 'We just want someone to love you the way we do.' Which I thought was awfully sweet. And then we got to talking about asking HB Sauce out (it's okay saying this here right? She doesn't read any of this, unless you do, in which case - Hi HB Sauce!). Which is what I wanted Thursday for, we'd go to Swansea for some Sushi and Shopping, just me and her. That'd be nice, wouldn't it? (Say yes Tag!) Anywho, it's been 5 days since HB's 21st and I have chickened out of asking her almost 6 times, mainly because she's never alone when I want to ask.

I've got to ask her, otherwise I'd never know riiiight? Anywho, that's the first plan, otherwise it's plan two and I don't really want to do that one.

But that's me, until next time bloggers...

P.S. Let's get your blogs back into shape with more questions shall we? Okay, Question: Which Plant or Zombie would you prefer to be, and why?

Sunday, 10 October 2010

The Crunch Time for Life...

Well, it's finally here, it's time to ask that question again...what am I going to do with my Life?

Ultimately I would like to become a writer/journalist/personality/whatever, but I don't really know how to get there or what not. I'd like to writer the great novel, I'd like to bring people breaking news and travel far and wide to do so, I think I'd like to travel, I'd like to just be famous and have people like me for being so.

How the hell am I going to do that? Do I gather my friends and make a website/book/Tv show?

Perhaps I can sell some merchandise...perhaps, perhaps, perhaps!

What am I going to do?! There's 267 days of Uni left in my official stretch. Will I continue that on and get into more and more debt to further and education which I hope will lead to something. Hell, I've got a loan to start paying back in a year or so.

What jobs can I get? That don't involve being employed to stock shelves and the like. What the devil am I going to do with my life?

I could stay put in Carmarthen, work for a bit, do my Masters, and live with Tag, Cherrybelly, Wodge, and Pill. I could see what my newly freshered friend is doing in Swansea, see what the work's like over there. I could go home and go to Swansea to do my PGCE. Or I could go it alone, branch out, discover the world, become something or fail trying.

I just don't know. There's got to be something out there, I can't just bum around for the rest of my life. Work calls, then there's the money, and then I can retire nice and wealthy, with my wife, my 2.5 children and settle in a nice home back in Carmarthen (among other places).

I just hope to God that I win the lottery sometime soon, so I don't have to answer this question now. Perhaps I should start playing the Lottery...perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

But that's me, until next time bloggers...

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

279 Days to go...

Well, strangely enough lectures have began and have already ended this week...

Yep, the vast weeks of the Third Year are going to be padded out by three lectures, all of which take place on Monday and Tuesday. Strange ain't it? Though I suppose this would then, in theory, give me far more time to finish the core texts and report back a week later. So, just lucky I guess.

This week's main task, apart from the obvious reading, is to try and find something I want to write and write about this year. It would appear, though, or rather it is my understanding that many people will be doing short stories...which I would have really liked to do, so I don't know...

I could:

1. Do the Epic Poetry I started out doing last year for this course...

2. Comfort write the hell out of my Fantasy Land...

3. Holiday write, sure I've not been on holiday for a bit, but I can work something...

4. Ideas would be helpful here, I don't know where next to go...

5. Write a Video Game, this would be really tricky...

6. Create and Anthology of Poems or Stories...

7. Something Fantasy, I'm sure that'll be awesome (after all it's my comfort zone, and I haven't written about it professionally yet. Weird I know)...

Anywho, let me know. I'm going to now reminisce by watching 'The Sword in the Stone' with the guys...

But that's me, until next time bloggers...

Thursday, 23 September 2010

284 Days to go...

A couple of hours ago, I almost missed my welcome back speech...

I, it would seem, turned off both my alarms and slept until 9am, whereby the speech was at 9.15am. Luckily, I'm Speedy Gonzales when I need to be, and was up and dressed, with real cool and messy hair at 9.05am. So rushing down to this speech we were then told that we only have 284 days left of our Undergraduate lives, that's just over 9 months, our 3 precious years are almost at a close. And what do I have to show for it? ARGH...

And even then I don't know when my Graduation will be, and if it falls in a fortnight before or after the 27th June, because I don't know when the celebrations will be, I will have to tell my best friend that: 'no I can't really go to Italy with you for your 21st.' Which I really wouldn't like to do.

And there's another thing: My 21st, it's well and truly looming into view and the weight of my ultimate adulthood shall be upon me. Nerves shaken? It could be you next.

In other news...

Tag and I discovered the whereabouts of the Comic Book Store in Carmarthen on Tuesday, and on our quest discovered the location of a certain Games Workshop (and it's not a small one) - how long has that been there?! We've been here two years now, and still didn't know of that secret. Carmarthen will be full of little precious things this year. We'll be wanting to know them all by the end, but our time is swiftly and all to knowingly coming to an end. It's quite sad really. I wonder what our next discovery will be.

But that's me, until next time bloggers...

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Turning Over The Page...

Well, here it is. My final year as an Undergraduate. I wonder what I'll do next...

I believe I have become very envious of Tag (Hi Tag), his success with recent publications on inspired me to do the same to no avail. His Mac, his Xbox, even the love he receives from a certain someone (Hi Cherrybelly) has made me bitter - and just reminds me of my recent attempts for love. Man do I want to be Tag right now - but that's enough feeding his ego for one evening.

I haven't really been posting to this blog as much as I would have liked to in the months of late. So post I shall.

I moved back to Uni on Sunday...

Hang on, hang on. To tell you the truth this isn't where I've been wanting this blog to go, but if I don't say it here or something I think I'm going to do something stupid...again. So basically I've been trying to write this blog post for many days now, and every time I sit down and think about the new beginnings I want to write about I stop writing.

The new beginning that I want to write about isn't about my weight, which is being sorted via two bowls of cereal a day. It's not about the not being published, because that will happen sooner or later. I've just got to keep at it. It's not about the meeting of new people and new friends, which has happened and will continue to.


The reason I can't write this blog properly is because the new beginnings remind me of what I could have and what I well and truly bungled up this summer - as I always do. I had the chance of finding love this summer, and when it came down to it, I blew the whole thing. She liked me, I liked her, it was perfect, but then I said too much, as I would always do, and I ruined the whole thing. I hurt her without meaning to. And for that I am sorry. And then when I tried to ask again, very recently - which is why I'm distracted - she shot me down, and hurt me.

And now I'm having a hard time trying to not go and ask and ask and ask again. I think it would be perfect, but her opinion's changed. We're still pals, and close ones at that, but I don't think I can continue the closeness without doing something stupid, and something I'll regret. Something very much like this. And I know most of you will know the people in question. So just know that I am sad. And that I should wade this out.

And that's not how I wanted this post to go either, but I suppose, as I'm sat down here writing, it'll be the best it'll be at this moment. Please don't read this and judge, I know I've been stupid and the like, but I really would have liked to try it out for once.

I am envious of Tag, and Pill for that matter...

But that's me, until next time bloggers...

Friday, 10 September 2010

I Choose You...

I suppose you've been wondering where I've been for the last week and a bit...and if you haven't, then you probably should have done - that's you Tag and Cherrybelly! (Hi Guys!!!)

Well, it's a long story really.

Monday morning I found myself recieving a phone call from my good friend Clareg which went something like this...

'Do you want to come over and shoot some Aliens or something?'

'We could I suppose, we always shoot aliens though...'

'Yeah, I know, or we could shoot some Aliens whilst listening to other people shoot some Aliens?' - I was confused by this bit as well, but he meant an audio book, which is still a very cool idea. And then I caught sight of something black, neglected looking on my bookshelf.

'Or,' I began, 'we could rediscover our childhood and go capture some Pocket Monsters.'


And the rest, we say, is history. So I found myself, dragged away from my household duties on Monday to go and re-live my life as a Pokemon Trainer in the 3rd Generation (or so I am informed) of Pokemon Games, mine being Ruby, and his being Sapphire.

Starting at the age of 10, as all trainers do, out in my new town of Littleroot. I abandoned my poor Mother to go and be the best. Saving a middle-aged fat professor I was awarded with my starter Pokemon. Not like the originals at all, which are more true to the Tv-Series. Treeko, the Grass Pokemon. And yes, we rule. So now I'm battling my way through all these places. Forcing my newly acquired Pokemon to fight for my viewing pleasure. Womping the asses of most of the people who get in my way - well sort of.

Then I take advantage of people's kind natures, and go on unlimited free boat rides. I get given things for being me, and people say I don't have any PokeFans...Weirdos. And now I'm currently joining a political movement opposing the evil Team Magma - who are the good guys in Sapphire - who want to make the world entirely land, so more people can live. Nice idea, but where's all the Water going to go? And more importantly, the Water Pokemon?!

So teaming up with Stevo, a PokeFanatic, I aim to stop an entire team of bad guys, and then gain a Legendary Pokemon, acquire my 8th Badge, which should grant me access to the Pokemon League, where I finally get to prove my worth. Battling 4 of the World's Top Pokemon Trainers, I shall slaughter them all and rule the day.

And then all I've got to do is 'Catch-em All' - which has always been harder than it looks, because when you think you've finally caught them all, the creators of Pokemon just go and move the finish line a whole other 150 Pokemon further.

And why? I here you asking...

Well it's all because it's not yet the 14th September yet. Because on the 14th September Reach comes out. You've heard me talk about Halo - where we shoot Aliens - well the original Halo Trilogy was about destroying the evil Alien threat of the Covenant and the Flood (they're not working together) which our, eventual, Alien brethren, the Elites. Anyway, Halo 3's tagline (Ha Tag, Hi Tag!!!) is 'Finish the Fight' - well Halo: Reach is where it all began.


It's like Star Wars all over again. We all knew how it ended, but not how it began, until of course Episode 1 came out in '99 I believe.

Just 4 Days left. And I'm so close to finishing Ruby. And just 9 Days until I return to Trinity. When am I going to pack?!

But that's me, until next time bloggers...

P.S. Sorry if this content bored you, like I think it might if you're not me.
P.S.S. Shall we do a question?...okay...
P.S.S.S. If you believe in reincarnation or not, answer this question: if you were reincarnated what would you LIKE to be? And what WOULD you be?

Friday, 3 September 2010

Past Memories...

Well last night I was confronted with my own Mortality...

I don't mean that as in I had a near life experience involving a saw, a conservatory, a china horse, and a spoon. No no, anything but, though I should inform you, that the majority of my friends from home are of a younger time than I. And we mostly chatted through the loud singing and band playing of Rock Band, but as enjoyable as that is, we got on to the topic of our youth, thanks to Bex.

Now, I don't know about you, but I remember a time of Trumpton, The Animals of Fathing Wood, Manna the Vampire, The Lion King, Noah's Island. And these are the things we discussed, a time of Pokemon Cards, Pokemon, and Pogs.

And we came to a conclusion that we had not really thought of - there's an entire generation of 10-Year-Olds who have no knowledge of these things. My friend Clareg has a sister who has never see or heard of The Jungle Book for God's Sake!

What has the world become when the old remember the things the young should know?

An entire generation fed on the thoughts of the Teletubbies, Ben-10, and High School Musical. What are they teaching kids today when it's not involving Jumanji, the Muppets, and Digimon.

Does everyone feel like this when their generation is marked by their upbringing? Will we ever get those days back? Will we ever see the glories of the Smurfs, Dexter's Lab, and Powerpuff Girls again.

Oh I don't know...

But that's me, until next time bloggers...

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Well, it would appear...

Hi! How are you? I've not been here a while...

Goodness me, don't you hate it when you have a week of doing nothing, followed by a week which has too much stuff to do?

Now, those of you who know me, it's nothing to do with packing for Uni or anything. I am mostly packed for that, as it all went up in the attic as of June. But its just, last week saw me doing almost nothing everyday.

But as it's already Tuesday I have to inform you, that I have been to Cardiff twice, B&Q, had two BBQs, and played enough hours of video games that my brother would happy.

Why so busy, I hear you ask? Well, the truth, I don't really know.

Also, I have become a comforter for new First Years, though I didn't know it. It all began a week or so ago. A Message on Facebook from a person named Leela Homewood. It appeared that she was fretting about her newly chosen course of Creative Writing at our well established institution. Though I have, hopefully, reassured her, and fulfilled my job.

I like helping.

But to do with writing...

It would appear that the thing I mentioned I was writing blindly without any idea what its about or how it'll continue and end, now has an ending in my mind, though I haven't written it since. I have, however, been comfort writing as HB Sauce put it.

A Note on Comfort Writing: What do you think it means? Thought about it? No? Well I'll tell you then. Comfort writing is writing in your original and most comforting comfort zone, for instance mine is the genre Fantasy. It's where I started, it's what I was writing before entering University, and it's what I have not written properly in two years. Mad isn't it?!

I don't know where to continue this. Erm...Scott Pilgrim Vs The World was an amazing film. If you get the chance and have a longing to see a film with loads of gaming references, then that's definitely the funny film of the year for you.

Ah yes, I know, I haven't really got a hobby I was just thinking today. I used to have loads, each as geeky and innocent as the next. So I was thinking, thanks to HB Sauce, that I would start Wargaming again, painting my own models and the like. What do you think? Too geeky? It's something to fill a stressful time. I don't know...

But that's me, until next time bloggers...

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Its Been Too Long...

When, I haven't done one of these in a while...

Busy times, busy times. I wonder when I can get back the Uni, just so I can have a rest. When at home, the work is never done. And I don't even get paid for it. I cook, clean, and garden. I'm a handy man for my Mother, with more than less skills than an ordinary handyman.

The weather in Wales this week has been atrocious. It have been 20-degrees (that's C not F my American readers), and it's been non-stop rain. Luckily, today, the heavens have sought-fit to grant us one alright day where the heavens shall not shower down and smite us. Also, it's a good day to do the washing and drying.

I'm not saying I hate the rain. Even on occasion it has been know that I, quite literally, go dancing in the rain, given the right circumstances. I quite like the rain. As I was telling HB Sauce just the other day, she liking the sound of the rain, I described it as: 'the skies falling, but not', 'the sound of shooting stars', 'of fiery drops on the stone and leaves'. Okay they're not that good, I was tired, but they sounded good at the time.

I hate walking in this temperate topical climate of ours. It's like wading through a bog and you can literally eat the air for a breath.

Anywho, walking, blisters, achy feet, and sushi.

Friday, not wait, one more thing to say...

Thursday, HB Sauce and I are already and planned and packed to venture up to our friend Smeccles' 21st Birthday Party on the Saturday. Thursday evening, HB Sauce's car breaks down. Fate we thought. Smeccles must be disappointed in us, unable to travel up on the Friday either because of our previous engagement. So, yes we couldn't go.

A note on the weather: I know that Smeccles' Party would have been awesome and everything, and people who made it would have had a great time. But the weather would have spoilt it for me I reckon. I remember the conversation me and he had about it. 'It's going to be torrential throughout the day, is camping a good idea?' I said. We'll be fine, it says light-rain in the evening so everything will be fine.' Does anyone else see the confusion on my face?

Anywho, Friday. HB Sauce and I ventured to our great Capital of Cardiff. A fun day was had by all. We shopped, and wandered, following our feet the entire time. And then she invited me to a sushi bar. This was, by far, a great thing. The food is already cooked, there's no wait, and it arrives on a conveyor belt! It's like the future. There was only one problem I could foresee, I didn't know what to have, so I just started taking things and eating them, regardless. It all looks soo good. Thanks HB.

So now I can rest, safe in the knowledge that my belly is full and my feet are resting.

But that's me, until next time bloggers...

Friday, 13 August 2010

The Typo Goblin Strikes Back...

Well, I tried to write again last night...

Recently, as I have thought, my writing has not been on it's usual mediocre form, and last night just took the biscuit. A friend of mine, Miss HB Sauce, has been writing a short story this week, and has told me that she's going to expand the universe of the short story with more short stories about the same place. And this got me thinking.

'Perhaps if I write some short stories and they'll will get me back into writing my main stories, and so on...'

This did not go well.

I wrote just over a thousand words, and I worried that (because in my head it was starting to sound like a Terminator Movie - Hi Tag!) I was writing like a certain franchise that I didn't want it to sound like at all.

I am assured, by Miss HB Sauce (who I was in constant conversation with - and she already knew the story I was trying to get back into writing), that it was quite bad - as my suspicions had be aroused. Yes, it wasn't good, and I knew it. Holes at every corner, a mundane main character, and just no real story. Poor, poor story writing. Perhaps I'll stick to Poetry? Who knows...

On a sort of similar literary note I found this wonderful little poem:

The Typo Goblin

I am the Typo Goblin, my heart is made of flint,
My role in life is simply this: to keep you out of print.
I sneak into your manuscript and do my fiendish work,
Adding errors guaranteed to make you look a berk.
And then I cast the ‘Careless’ spell: you say, ‘Ah, what the heck!’
And pop your script into the post without that final check.
At length some hapless editor receives your golden wit,
And after reading fifty words he writes it off as ... unpublishable.

- Michael Shenton

Cool or what?

Anywho, shooting stars litter the skies and over the past few nights, upon glancing up, I have seen about twenty. How awesome is that?! So many wishes. Back to writing I go...

But that's me, until next time bloggers...

P.S. I need more blogs to read people - you know who you are!
P.S.S. Something to start you off: Who is the ONE Person in History you would like to meet?

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Time to be Unlike Me...

Let's start with something very like me.

Yesterday I part took in a day of Lord of the Rings puns, food, costumes, and of course theological discussions. Oh, and also the entire extended versions of the films directed by Peter Jackson which took us from 11am until 2:40am to complete in it's entirety.

And I do say us, for us it was, there was a room of about 7 or 8 of us, and we wined and dined. Choosing our buzz words and playing a drinking game and dressing up as the characters and replaying scenes from the movie.

Of course we didn't do this. But I was Samwise. And we did recite the lines before, during, and after they had been said.

You might think of me and my friends, and sad idiots who had nothing better to do. But in actual fact, it has become a yearly tradition to gather together at Clareg's and witness these masterpieces. It seems that in our yearly schedule we have 3 certain things: Lord of the Rings Day, The Pirate Party, and New Year's at Jess'.

Not sad, just traditional.

Moving on...I have been told to be rather un-myself-like if I can be. Well told isn't the word. I'm forcing myself, since, recently, being called 'predicable'.

Is it wrong that I like to be safe and completely stationary?

Thing's go wrong when I go wild. I break my dad's Greenhouse with my brother's entire being. I break my brother's arm when I say it's cool to be Superman. I stab my brother with a fork at dinner time.

You see. A Wild Me might not be such a good thing for everyone (namely my brother).

Luckily, I'm willing to risk it, and try this thing out. Will you join me in being un-me-like?

I made a few suggestions to the person I was having this discussion with and they were: 'par core, sky-diving, getting pissed, driving, etc'. To which the person replied: 'i'll free run with you buddy we can break our legs together and get fit'

What a bizarre life I lead. So the Sky-diving is booked for Monday...

But that's me, until next time bloggers...

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Oh Goody, A Game...

Yes, it would seem that a certain challenge has befallen me...

I would firstly like to thank Miss Niti Jain (Blog Found: Here) who has challenged me, with this certain game, or sorts. She writes...

'This award is bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blog’s content or design is, in the giver’s opinion, brilliant.

Some rules of the Game:
a) Show off your honesty by thanking the person who gave you the award and link to their post.
b) List 10 honest things about yourself.
c) Select 7 other bloggers you think deserve this award and pass it on to them.
d) Notify said bloggers about the award and invite them to be the honest ones next.

So, without further ado I will begin with my first honest truth...

1. I am truly perverted in public and in groups and in anywhere that being perverted is perceived as funny or just fun in general to me. And it is always important to me that I enjoy myself or have fun (which sort of explains the not going out to Night-Lifey Places). Which is why I chose Carmarthen - very un-night-lifey though I know it has some. I chose the degree course because it seemed fun. Not because I thought I'd be any good at it, and not because I had done stuff like that before - which I assure you, I hadn't.

2. I am nothing like the person noted above with the right person.

3. I am nothing like the person noted above with everyone. And indeed, I seem to be a different person with every different group or person I apparently hang out with.

4. I am very impressionable. Which is where my accent comes in. I am a Welsh person born, and my parents come from England. My accent is then, as my father has speculated, genetic. He having cousins and such I have never met, and others I have (one being my Godfather), and we all share the same Aunt (my Great Aunt) who seems to always get us all confused on the phone, because we all speak in the same typically Southern English Accent. How bizarre. However, when I am in a room with someone who has a different accent to that of mine, I subconsciously imitate that person's accent, much to the embarrassment of others who know me.

5. I am afraid of the dark. This one might need explaining. I don't really have a dislike of being in the dark. It's probably, more specifically, being in the dark in public, because I'm afraid of the people and things that come out of the dark. A few years ago, my friends and I were having a barbaque in a local park. Everything was fine, except when the local CHAVs decided that they wanted to join us. We packed up, and essentially (Hi Tag) it turned into a mugging. We phoned the police. It took them near 40-mins to arrive and nothing else was done about it. And I shall leave this at that.

6. I have no fondness of being alone. I don't mind being left alone, or being left to my own devices, as long as someone's near. It's just loneliness which gets me.

7. I am a great fan of History, and of knowing how we got to where we are now, and also how other people got where they got when they got and so on. The wars and regals, the standing stones, and the religions.

8. Religion: I would say I'm a Christian. Not fundamentally but I do believe in a higher power. Though I have, and do enjoy, attending the Pagan festival of the Summer Solstice at Stonehenge (the Winter one might be later, but it's so bloody cold).

9. I enjoy nature, and gardening, and cooking, and cleaning (though I don't really enjoy the cleaning, more the everything being clean). I watch Attenborough Documentaries, I grow Pumpkins mainly, not for there fruit - though that is a perk - but for the way they grow. I can cook, though some would argue I can't. I like to cook new things and attempt them at least. And cleaning - note, loneliness and read the bit about being left to my own devices. A touch of OCD goes a long way it would seem.

10. And finally - can you tell I've been struggling with these truths? I'm sorry if you already knew them or they're just not interesting. But number ten...I have no real physical hatred of anything it would seem. A new revelation to me recently. I like everything. I don't know whether it's because of who I am or what, but it's strange to think that I don't actually hate anything. Just look at my taste in music, movies, etc. All varied and what not, and all good (well to me). You notice I didn't say books - I also don't read. I know, strange right?

Anywho...I now have to find people to read and do this. Seven people to be precise and because it's precise I have to use all my followers (because I'm so popular). So...

Tag (because he's already doing one)
Cherrybelly (because she should do one)
Gibbs (because she should be writing her blog)
Mr. Tim (because he should start writing a blog)
Duckface (because she's interesting to say the least)
Brady (because he's funny beyond belief)
And Miss Niti Jain (because she's already done one so should do it again - that doesn't make sense)

But that's me, until next time bloggers...

P.S. Question: Who is the ONE Celebrity wonder person you would marry and why?

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Sleep Depravity and Solid Snake...

Well, I didn't go to bed last night...

Yep, that's right. Another gaming post. Well, not really. It's just going to be interesting for me to read this when I actually get my 8-hours. So bare with me.

This evening, which would now be yesterday, I went and played video games at Clareg's house. This was probably a bad idea, as, recently, we've been doing this a lot, and it's getting samey, and I always never get any or enough sleep when I go there. I don't know whether this is a good thing or not.

Oh, by the way, if you were wondering, I've been to the doctor's and he has told me that I probably don't have a brain tumor (much to my brother's disappointment). Instead, I have some such infection, which is actually causing my left-sided symptoms (I've had a headache since Monday - ARGH!).

Bah! - I don't know. Video Games. Chinese. Sport. 14-hours of Gaming. Is that sad or what?

Halo's fun, so's Super Smash Brother's Brawl! (that's where Solid Snake came in). We spent most of the evening trying to unlock people, and Solid Snake being the last. And when we did - we didn't even play!

Moving on...

Oh yes, I remember. I entered a writing competiton I noticed in the Telegraph last week. Unfortunately, I didn't think the piece was any good, and apparently, and luckily, neither did the Telegraph. So I can always try again next week. But I found a list of Competitions. And it's just good for the motive and money if you have neither (I find - more the motive than the money mind).

I don't know, I'm gonna be trying to win some money. It's not going to be likely, but I'm gonna try...

But that's me, until next time bloggers...

P.S. Tag (Hi Tag) you'd better not win the competition before I do (:P)
P.S.S. Happy Writing...