Friday, 31 December 2010

Because This Year Needs A Summary...

Well this has been a bit of an uppy downie year for me. And I don't know why I feel the need to summaries it, but that's what is happening so sit back and read to your heart's near contention content. Oh and a Very Happy Ecstatically Merry Tremendous Terrific and hopefully un-Terrifying New Year to all of you, best make the most of it because 2012 is coming soon and as we all know, that's when everything changes - I've got to pay back my Student Loan. So without further ado, let the summary begin...

The start of the year was a rather unfortunate beginning, with the loss of my Grandmother. It was sad, but then she hadn't been herself for more than a decade, so I suppose it was a happy departure, and I hope she's now at peace. Then came a few birthdays and a lot of work, but I managed to overcome both of them.

Then came the Summer, where one of my short screenplays was performed by Canadians, and I passed everything I needed to pass, and I played and frolicked and fumbled through the sunshine. Much Ice Cream and Pancakes were consumed for breakfast or otherwise.

Unfortunately I made many mistakes in the Summer, all within the space of a week. With the successful secret party prepared we had to keep it from my very nosey mother - that was quite difficult. Then I discovered that my Grandfather, my last Grandparent, wasn't very well at all. And not only that but HB Sauce gave me a chance, and I said something stupid and ruined everything - she was hurt, which isn't what I wanted because I love her very much. No wonder after all that I had a headache for 9 Weeks. Ouch right? But it became a dull numbing pain towards the end. Then there was Pill's Birthday which we travelled down to Plymouth for, and much fun was had by all.

On the dawning of my 3rd Year at University my headache disappeared, I don't know why: perhaps it was something to do with the change of environment, of people, or perhaps it was being in a constant proximity with HB Sauce, either way it disappeared, which I was very grateful for. Then for course there was more work to be done. But nothing says the same for very long in anyone's life.

My Grandfather died a week before my 21st. A great man, and a good Grandfather, loved by all and the funeral was definitely an event. But there was his letter to the family which drew a few tears indeed.

My birthday came and went and nothing much happened, for some unknown reason. And of course there was more work to be done, many people got jobs, I got an xbox for my birthday. And then came Christmas, a wonderful time of year, as always, and I've only managed to see some people this Christmas, not everyone that I had wanted, and now it's New Year's Eve, and tonight I will be going to a party with HB Sauce dressed in a dinner jacket and a bow tie, wish me luck...

Oh and a Very Happy New Year to You all...

But that's me, until next time bloggers...